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The king died in Japan, now he is ressurected in South Africa, and he is coming to conqer Europe...............hail to the king baby. 


Sem se že posrau u hlače in čakam na strokovno skupino da me odreši. Kot ukrep priporočam mal krep papirja, da mi obrišejo ritko, ne da me spet na suho nabrišejo z nebulozami.






uredilo bitje Mitsu
  • Račka +1 2
  • Na jagodo +1 1
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Ascender reče pred 13 urami:


zgleda prov hudo :w00t:


Ta špil je bil izdan en let preden naj bi zemlja šla v franže zarad millenium bug-a. Musko je napisu David Bowie in je tud not v špilu (ma par virtualnih koncertov) in igra je bla nominirana za best adventure game of the year.


Sicer pa kot vidiš v trailerju, so bli očitno kar preroški. Prodajajo colo z dodatkom radioaktivnih substanc, pr nas pa zastonj talajo pecivo z dodatkom radioaktivnih substanc (če vzameš za referenco Hitijevo). Pa še Omikrona so napovedal, pa to.......  :))))))


Za tiste cajte je bla zadeva huda do muda :)))))).


Aja nomad soul pa pomen no-mad soul.



uredilo bitje Mitsu
Povezava do prispevka

Vidim, da smo prešli z ovc na kokoši. Hud intelektualen preskok.

I suppress a howl of disbelief. She would rather die than get a Covid vaccine

Some 75 per cent of those suffocating in intensive care with 

Dr Rachel Clarke
Saturday November 27 2021, 6.00pm GMT, The Sunday Times

She is young, ashen and fighting for her life, and all I can offer is morphine. Recent chemotherapy has sent her blood count crashing. The drugs that could cure her breast cancer are so toxic to her body that even an innocuous infection could be fatal. As she flinches from the pain of taking a breath, I know that her raw, inflamed lung is scraping against the wall of her chest, making each gasp an ordeal.

I also know that somewhere at home, two little girls and their distraught father sit and wait in a house that rattles and gapes with the absence of their mummy.

“I need to be with them,” she rasps. “How soon?”

Although Ellen, as I’ll call her, gulps oxygen from the pipe on the wall, her pneumonia prevents her from talking in full sentences. I focus on getting her pain relief right, vital for enabling proper deep breathing, which allows me to suppress my private howl of disbelief.

Ellen, in her mid-thirties and with everything to live for, trusts her doctors to administer an antibiotic so potent that it is nicknamed Domestos; painkillers ten times more potent than opium; and chemotherapy literally designed to kill living human cells, a cytotoxic poison. Yet she will not, under any circumstances, countenance having a Covid vaccine. Her refusal makes me want to weep. The only thing worse than a young person’s death is one which easily could have been avoided. Thankfully, on this occasion Ellen’s chest infection is not Covid. But what about the next, and the one after that?

Does she not know how many unvaccinated young men and women with intact immune systems are suffocating to death in the intensive care unit one floor above her? How dumbfounded they were to discover that they were, after all, vulnerable to Covid? How they beg, sometimes, breaking all our hearts, to be vaccinated? How they plead for the protection they hope a jab might bring — when it is far too late for that now and all we can offer is a ventilator?

Ellen, I want to plead, how can you not choose life? For your children, for yourself, please be jabbed. You are so vulnerable I can hardly bear it. I say nothing, of course. Now is not the time. But I wonder for the thousandth time how we have arrived here, in this madness: a place where intelligent men and women would rather catch a deadly infectious disease than accept a vaccine with exceptional, and demonstrable, safety and effectiveness.

Now, in my NHS trust, we once again have entire wards devoted to treating Covid patients, in addition to those on mechanical ventilation in ICU. We are giving our all to care for our share of the 8,000 patients in UK hospitals with Covid. Out of sight, out of mind, these patients quietly continue to die at a rate of about 1,000 a week. The public can almost pretend they are not there. But we can’t.

Colleagues have seen children orphaned when first an unvaccinated mother and then an unvaccinated father succumb to Covid in swift succession. Pregnant, intubated women have died in intensive care shortly after their babies were delivered by emergency caesarean section.

Of the Covid patients treated in intensive care in recent months, the majority — nearly 75 per cent according to the latest data — have chosen not to be vaccinated. As Professor Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, put it this week: “This ongoing horror, which is taking place across ICUs in Britain, is now largely restricted to unvaccinated people.”

Individual decisions to forgo vaccination are having inevitable consequences for everyone else. In my NHS trust, we are on permanent black alert. We have already converted every conceivable spare space — discharge lounges, offices, oversized broom cupboards — into extra wards for patients. There is no spare capacity whatsoever.

The maths is brutal. One in, one out. Unless this patient leaves, that one cannot enter. The ambulance queue snakes around A&E, with paramedics sometimes spending an entire 12-hour shift stuck on the hospital forecourt, unable to drop off their patient. Trapped people are dying of heart attacks and strokes in the back of stationary ambulances, to the horror of all involved in trying to care for them.

In this desperate context, as patients suffer across the NHS, I can well understand the anger some clinicians feel towards the unvaccinated. I do not share it, however. The bedrock of good medicine is treating your patient simply as a human being in need. The moment you start making value judgments about what has brought them into hospital — smoking, paragliding, breaking the speed limit or riding a horse — you are not behaving as a doctor.

With our unvaccinated Covid patients, I feel more than anything desolate, heartbroken. I simply hate seeing them die. And I know they are here, in part, because a torrent of disinformation, spewed out on social media, has made them too scared to have the vaccine.

My rage is reserved for the charlatans who use their platforms to sow mistruths at such terrible cost. For the clever commentators who have latched on to the antivaxer movement to score political points by whipping up an ideological reaction to what they dub “vaccine dictatorship”.

These people are liars an

d cynics with blood on their hands.

Rachel Clarke is an NHS palliative care doctor


uredilo bitje ana
  • Trol 1
  • Solzice 1
Povezava do prispevka
NightWind reče pred 17 minutami:

Kako je zdaj situacija s tem omikronom, bolj nalezljiv, bolj nevaren/manj nevaren/nic nevaren? Ce je bolj nalezljiv in nic nevaren, a smo zmagali? Al smo izdani in prodani?

Se še ne ve. Indikacije so, da je bolj nalezljiv, ni pa nujno, da je tako nevaren. Za to je še prezgodaj, ker resna bolezen in smrtnost pride z zamikom. Brez veze zganjati paniko preden se ve več. 

  • Račka +1 1
  • Trol 1
Povezava do prispevka
NightWind reče pred 29 minutami:

Kako je zdaj situacija s tem omikronom, bolj nalezljiv, bolj nevaren/manj nevaren/nic nevaren? Ce je bolj nalezljiv in nic nevaren, a smo zmagali? Al smo izdani in prodani?


Če pogledaš ime Omikron to v Grščini pomeni mali o, oziroma ena mejhna nula. Tko da ime ti pove vse, kaj ti bo pa "stroka" prodala in kaj boš ti kupil pa ne vem. Drgač pa za vse, ki čakamo konec tega političnega sranja:



uredilo bitje Mitsu
  • Nekul -1 1
  • Groot, ki sir je 2
  • Za crknit smešno +1 1
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tomazek reče pred 2 urama:

Kokoši nesnice, ko nehajo nesti jajca, grejo na zelene livade in uživajo srečno in izpopolnjeno življenje do svojega naravnega bridkega konca. Lol... kako tega ne veste?


Jest tkole recikliram nesnice, ker stara koka je dobra supa.



uredilo bitje Mitsu
Povezava do prispevka
ana reče pred 1 uro:

Res dober članek, manjka še par fotk kakih bogih otrok pa bi bil res popoln. Sicer bi lahka mediji usaj malo delal na usklajevanju lastne retorike. Še včeraj se morajo cepiti 5 letniki, da se zaščiti tele imunokompromisirane osebke kot je tale onkološka pacientka, a danes so grdi grdi šarlatanti krivi, da se ona ni cepla.

Povezava do prispevka
NightWind reče pred 1 uro:

Kako je zdaj situacija s tem omikronom, bolj nalezljiv, bolj nevaren/manj nevaren/nic nevaren? Ce je bolj nalezljiv in nic nevaren, a smo zmagali? Al smo izdani in prodani?


V Nemčiji začuda previdno optimistični:


uredilo bitje Dipling
Povezava do prispevka

A niso nekaj takega napovedovali že na začetku epidemije? Da cilj virusa ni ubiti gostitelja, ker s tem ubije sebe... ampak, da mutira, da se bo lažje širil in ne ubil gostitelja, ker s tem preživi... Mogoče pa je to omicron.


"Iz Južne Afrike pa poročajo, da povzroča le milejše simptome, kot sta glavobol in utrujenost."


"Različica omikron je po prvih podatkih bolj nalezljiva kot doslej odkrite različice koronavirusa, je povedala infektologinja Bojana Beović. Okuženi s to različico so doslej zbolevali za blažjim potekom bolezni. Ni pa še jasno, ali je za blažji potek odločilna starost in ali je k njemu prispevalo cepljenje oziroma prebolela okužba."

  • Račka +1 2
  • Na jagodo +1 1
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pri 14 dneh za širjenje baje to ni poseben problem, da bi vplivalo na mutacije.

iz JA poročajo tudi, da je dosti več mlajših, 20-30 let, na intenzivni (samo tam je tut na splošno populacija mlajša).


je pa tudi že v avstriji, prek portugalskih fucbalerjev, tko da RIP in peace spet kulturno obogatena Europe.

uredilo bitje bainit
Povezava do prispevka

Torej zadnjih nekaj dni se širi (predvsem v antivax krogih) fake news, da so mRNA cepiva povezana s srčnimi obolenji.


Gre za fake news, več preberete tukaj:







Missing context. The research abstract does not provide reliable evidence that mRNA vaccines increase risk of heart disease.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking workhere .



uredilo bitje sadhu sequencer
Povezava do prispevka
sadhu sequencer reče pred 31 minutami:

Torej zadnjih nekaj dni se širi (predvsem v antivax krogih) fake news, da so mRNA cepiva povezana z srčnimi obolenji.


Gre za fake news, več preberete tukaj:






 a boš začel kaj talat kazni antivaxerjem gospod admin/šerif?

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