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Prispevki od Flaming_C

  1. Waslich reče pred 51 minutami:




    Tim Hardaway Jr. appeared during the first two playoff games of the Mavericks, but his performance was limited. During Game 2, he exited the court with just six minutes of playtime after rolling his ankle due to a failed three-pointer attempt. He was declared out of Game 3 and moved to ‘doubtful’ status by Game 4. As things started looking hopeful for Game 5, Tim McMahon broke the news that Hardaway Jr. had aggravated his injury during a practice session.

    Moreover, he also affirmed that the player would not be able to appear for the next game. Having been listed as ‘Out’ once again in the recent report, it looks like Dallas fans won’t see their small forward return to the main lineup anytime soon.


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