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Več o članu Undead

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    obvlada otorinolaringološko felacijo. V miže!

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Blok z nedavnimi obiski je onemogočen in ni viden ostalim tovarišem ter tovarišicam. Razen gejši, ona kajpakda vidi in ve vse.

  1. Undead

    Vojna tretjega sveta

    Lahko pogledamo bližnjo preteklost. Isto so Italjani naredil s Slovenci v Trstu.
  2. Kendov Dvorec v Idriji. Top ambient, hrana na ravni Michelina minus cene Michelina.
  3. Undead

    Vojna tretjega sveta

    Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter give Russia, as the legal successor to the victor of World War II, the right to take any action, including military ones, against Germany, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia. , Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine for attempts to revive Nazism. UN Secretary-General António Guterres was surprised to learn from Putin that there is an article in the UN charter that allows a Russian special operation to be carried out in Ukraine. RUSSIA HAS THE RIGHT TO PUNISH NAZIS ANYWHERE (according to UN Charter) The Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced to criminal liability all those who fought against the United Nations and committed genocide. The greatest genocide was committed against the Soviet people. UN Charter, Articles 106 and 107, gives the victors of World War II - the USSR, USA, Great Britain and China - the right to take action against the countries that fought against them to prevent actions that aim to revise the results of the Second World War. . In particular, the use of military force against these countries is permitted. To do this, you only need to NOTIFY the other three winning countries, but not get their consent. Russia, as the LEGAL successor to the USSR, can also use force against states that want to overhaul the Yalta-Potsdam system in Europe. Russia can stop attempts to revive Nazism in Germany, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, which acted as the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during the war.
  4. Undead

    Vojna tretjega sveta

    Prej ga ti rabiš, ker so ti pederajsasti trans amerikanci mozeg sprali. Sj bo Trump novembra nazaj pršu pa naredu mir.
  5. Undead

    Vojna tretjega sveta

    Prej bi ga spravili v gulag, ker take gluposti objavlja in je butthurt.
  6. Undead

    Star Wars

    Pogledal Tales of the Empire. Morgan zgodba ok, Bariss Ofee pa top.
  7. Undead

    Vojna tretjega sveta

    Ja no, saj v UA jim je uspelo 2014.
  8. A to pomeni, da je Mercator do 2077 postal worldwide?
  9. Undead

    Star Wars

    Saj čez< 3 dni bo tales of the empires. Pol pa pride Mandalorian movie pa ahsola 2. sezona pa mandalorian 4.sezona. Pa zih bo Filoni še kj vn vrgu.
  10. Undead


    Večina folka ma rado Fallout, maš par folka, ki ni z ničemer zadovoljna in v lajfu ni ustvarilo ničesar. Zgornji video je lep primer.
  11. Undead


    Zdj pa vsi, ki tolk govorite da je quirky itd. Kaki so pa Fallout špili? Imo je čisto isto kot serija.
  12. Undead


    Za une, ki mislite, kaj so pokvarili lore:
  13. Undead


    Dane je vbistvu baba. Oz če hoče po novih SJW normativih, trans moški.
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