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cin der

  • Število vsebin

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Vse objave od cin der

  1. cin der


    When a mild-mannered, average, size 12 cashier working alongside pencil-thin society girls in a trendy clothing store witnesses their grisly deaths at the hands (legs?) of a possessed pair of designer jeans, she must get to the bottom (ass?) of what’s driving the evil "SLAXX" and try to stop the slaughter. IMDb
  2. cin der

    (ne)uradna 5d tema

    Gladius zakaj ne spišeš vedež o 5D ?
  3. cin der


    Brilliant, visionary Nikola Tesla (Ethan Hawke) fights an uphill battle to bring his revolutionary electrical system to fruition, then faces thornier challenges with his new system for worldwide wireless energy. The film tracks Tesla’s uneasy interactions with his fellow inventor Thomas Edison (Kyle MacLachlan) and his patron George Westinghouse (Jim Gaffigan). Another thread traces Tesla’s sidewinding courtship of financial titan J.P. Morgan (Donnie Keshawarz), whose daughter Anne (Eve Hewson) takes a more than casual interest in the inventor. Anne analyzes and presents the story as it unfolds, offering a distinctly modern voice to this scientific period drama which, like its subject, defies convention. IMDb
  4. cin der

    (ne)uradna 5d tema

    Kaj je že bil tisti mn3čar ki je širil dobro novico o desteni gibanju na mn3njalu? also never forget
  5. cin der


    A definitive documentary about the history of nudity in the movies, beginning with the silent movie era through present day, examining the changes in morality that led to the initial use of nudity in films while emphasizing the political, sociological and artistic changes that shaped this rich history. Skin delves into the gender bias concerning nudity in motion pictures and will follow the revolution that has pushed for gender equality in feature films today. A deep discussion of pre-code Hollywood and its amoral roots, the censorship that "cleaned up" Hollywood and how the MPAA was formed leads into a discussion of how nudity changed cinematic culture through the decades. It culminates in a discussion of "what are nude scenes like in the age of the #MeToo movement?" IMDb
  6. cin der


    A sequel to the Halloween 2018 sequel bringing back Laurie Strode for another showdown with masked killer Michael Myers who has been tormenting her for over 40 years. Wikipedia IMDb
  7. cin der


    "Pa ja nemam koronavirus"
  8. cin der


    Barry (Gary Green) is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who – after yet another bender – is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind. IMDb
  9. cin der

    (ne)uradna 5d tema

    To je zato ker ljudje ne znajo cenit če dejansko dobesedno ne postaviš cene.
  10. cin der

    Lake Michigan Monster

    On the shores of Lake Michigan, the eccentric Captain Seafield (Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, who also writes and directs) enlists a colourful crew of misfits in a bid to slay the hellish sea monster that prowls the murky depths. But as Seafield’s obsession with exacting revenge on the creature that killed his father threatens to consume him, can weapons expert Sean Shaughnessy (Erick West), sonar whiz Nedge Pepsi (Beulah Peters) and former N.A.V.Y. ­– Nautical Athletes and Venture Yunit – officer Dick Flynn (Daniel Long) hold the show together? IMDb
  11. cin der

    r.i.p Ennio Morricone

    requiescat in pace
  12. cin der

    The Old Guard

    Drugače pa comic:
  13. cin der

    The Old Guard
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