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Vse objave od Flaming_C

  1. Q: Will I be able to upgrade editions? A: Yes it is possible, but the most cost-efficient way to purchase Microsoft Flight Simulator is to buy the edition you are interested in.
  2. V gugla vpis Spotify in je link do appa Pod Spotify stranjo Sam je tud v storu ze,preveril
  3. It will begin offering free and subscription services in 13 new markets, which include Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Moldavia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
  4. Hype,sam kar konkretne cene Micro$oft ima dolar:evro kr na 1:1
  5. Izzid 18.8.2020 Standard Edition ($59.99 USD) includes 20 highly detailed planes with unique flight models and 30 hand-crafted airports. The Standard Edition will be available on day one with Xbox Game Pass for PC (Beta). Deluxe Edition ($89.99 USD) includes everything from Microsoft Flight Simulator’s standard edition plus 5 additional highly accurate planes with unique flight models and 5 additional handcrafted international airports. Premium Deluxe Edition ($119.99 USD) includes everything from Microsoft Flight Simulator Standard Edition plus 10 additional highly accurate planes with unique flight models and 10 additional handcrafted international airports.
  6. Kul trailer Si pa zelim igrat tud drugo stran,iz nic prek trupel in ostalega postat neusmiljen diktator kot bo tale v FC6
  7. It's lonely on the top Nerga pa se zmer
  8. Tega od drugih primadon nismo dozivel, kudos Charles za tole
  9. Sky Italia,sam res komj kej po anglesko zna
  10. Potrjeno še ni,sam vseen,menda bo
  11. Horner: Vettel Red Bull return is a ‘definite no’ Sam pr teh laznivih kurcih nikol ne ves
  12. Flaming_C

    Sports American Way

    Pogodbo za 17 let je preprecila liga Je pa vseen podpisal za 15 let,sam mu je potem kmalu bolj zadisal KHL denar
  13. Such a sore loser Who could that be?
  14. Sej tud jajc nimajo
  15. Flaming_C


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