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    Seljak s sedmimi sporočili in sifilisom

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  1. bom probal ker imam kompresor doma pa da vidimo če bo kaj drugače. hvala
  2. res si je dobr cajt izbrala...
  3. Vseznalci, a tole slučajno pomeni da bo grafična shodila? Po ene tretjem restartu zadeva proradi in dela normalno.
  4. strup121


    Tole so kao njihovi ukrepi, če so to sploh vsi ker nikjer nič ne vidim o maskah... Measures include: Hotels are closed to leisure travellers/tourists; only business travellers are allowed to stay in hotels. Visitors who are already staying at a hotel when the measures take effect are allowed to remain there until their scheduled departure. Restaurants and bars can only offer takeout/delivery services, dining in is not permitted. Events such as concerts, plays, exhibitions etc. are cancelled. Museums, theatres, cinemas, gyms, pools, zoos, amusement parks, and other culture and leisure facilities must close. All ski resorts are closed to the general public during lockdown. Ski area openings scheduled for November have been postponed to December. Professional ski teams will still be able to train. Cable cars are closed. Christmas markets cannot take place until 6 December. Only essential shops can remain open. All others must close. You are only allowed to leave the house for specific reasons, such as buying groceries. All shops must close at 7 p.m. at the latest. Edit, niso vsi ukrepi.
  5. strup121


    ne vem kolk efektivno lahko tistih 90 inšpektorjev karkoli kontrolira.
  6. strup121


    sej to je logično glede na manjko kašljanja, smrkanja itd...
  7. strup121


    saj je tudi pri nas držanje odrejene karantene pod vprašajem. vsaj glede na to koliko se izvaja kontrola.
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