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True Neutral

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Vse objave od True Neutral

  1. As long as there are class differences in terms of money, there will never be true equality of opportunity. But the type of equality of opportunity you're talking about (I think) already exists.
  2. Example of a current racist law?*
  3. What is "your authentic life"?
  4. Translation: Mental health is important too.
  5. You know what they say about big hands. And, apparently, in your case, small ones.
  6. Reading Slovenian and replying in English can be a hassle. Your brain sometimes gets stuck in "Slovenian mode", as the way you guys from sentences is completely different. It can be hard, especially when I'm repeating a sentence or phrase written in Slovenian. I think that's why it comes out weird sometimes. Not to mention I haven't lived in the US for quite a while. The languages people speak around me tend to rub off on me To stay on topic, as far as I'm aware, the "release info" still says "holidays 2020". How sure are we of the release date, actually?
  7. After experiencing The Last os Uf 2, the animations in this game are a bit underwhelming
  8. True Neutral

    Pravkar pogledano

    The first movie starts dragging a bit towards the end, to be honest.
  9. Google translate helps a bit, but I know the language is hard, especially in terms of forming sentences. Don't want to sound like a moron, so I just prefer to write in English for now Might switch it up after getting more confident with it. Thank you!
  10. There's no need to try to write in English, no worries
  11. Why does what sound unlikely? Again, you're ignoring more than half of what I'm writing. So basically, you believe what you feel like believing? So then, the truth of this world is different for each individual person?
  12. There is a colony of aliens living on Mars, hidden beneath the surface. They study human life on earth, and have at one point sent aliens disguised as humans to the planet to better study us. The means of transport they used to get here broke down on the way. Elon Musk is one such alien. That's why he so desperately wants to return back home. This is completely true. Do you believe it? How do you KNOW these things? Why aren't they just theories? Why are you so sure they are true?
  13. The credits are a great time to reflect on the movie you've just watched!
  14. Good answer. You still ignored all the other ones though. Please answer, I'm interested in your views on all of this.
  15. What are you talking about?? I am taking this thread seriously. I would argue I'm taking it more seriously than anyone else, as I'm trying to actually discuss these topics and seeing if they hold up in terms of logic. In what "wrong" way am I expressing myself?
  16. Are they ever coming out with Red Alert 2 remaster?
  17. Please point out the discrepancies in my logic. Also, I thought you love everything and everyone. So why are you using "avtist" as an insult? Also, why are you trying to insult me?
  18. @gladius - why are you ignoring my questions?
  19. Would you let the pedos keep having sex with kids? Do you love the pedo-satanists as well?
  20. Yes, but if I started saying I believe that a pink elephant is the creator of the universe and the controller of all human actions, and upon you asking me about it I could just claim that "If you're completely entranced by the illusion that this elephant doesn't exist you will find a hundred thousand excuses for why it is untrue. The more open you are, the less "proof" you will need and the more you will start feeling it in your everyday life". You can swap this theory for anything a bit more believable, but still highly unlikely. Now, would you give this theory of reality the same kind of validity as yours? Why not? You will probably answer no, ignore my question of "why not" and just say something like "You don't need to believe it if you don't want to, I feel this to be true so I believe it myself. What you do is up to you". But then I would add, Why are you constantly making posts about this, and quite obviously trying to spread this belief among others? Again, why isn't my theory (insert anything somewhat believable for not provable) as true as yours? How did you get to the conclusion that what you're saying is real, true? Just because you've constantly been told this by someone? Isn't this exactly what you tried avoiding, leading you to this "new religion"?
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