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cin der

  • Število vsebin

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Vse objave od cin der

  1. cin der

    WEF - New world order

    in koliko varnosti imaš sedaj ko t.i. vojaške avtoritete vztrajno usmerjajo narativo in kolektivno nezavest (evropske) družbe v vojno? država DRŽI tudi z iluzijo varnosti nobody here gets out alive
  2. cin der

    WEF - New world order

    A zdaj pa nisi zasužnjen ?
  3. cin der

    WEF - New world order

    evo še slikca da boš doumel
  4. cin der

    WEF - New world order

    bimbo državni aparat JE način kako prevzamejo oblast anarhija je boljše izhodišče za nas navadne pešce drugače poglej si teorijo kaosa spontani red je inherenten del kaosa ne rabiš nič mikromanageat to je lastnost vesolja Edit: se opravičujem za "bimbo" neki sm čustven danes
  5. cin der

    WEF - New world order

    Kaj ti bluziš. Ne projiciraj svojih strahov na izjave drugih. Anarhija ne pomeni da ne sodeluješ z drugimi bimbo. Edit: A ne znaš sodelovat brez da je nekdo gospodar?
  6. cin der

    WEF - New world order

    New world order old world order Isto sranje,samo oblika "kletke" je drugačna ,v osnovi pa še vedno isto...oni na vrhu uživajo plodove trpljenja naših hrbtov vse podret,zažgat,let chaos rule supreme..true great reset nobenih avtoritet..vsak stoji z lastnimi nogami v kruti realnosti samostojnost vsakemu pa naj se izkažejo
  7. cin der

    Masters of the Air
  8. bi verjetno nekdo drug dobil državno dolžnost "izkopati" kapsulo ravno zato da g. presidente ohrani "trezno glavo"
  9. cin der


    SPOILER Children can be such monsters. After a group of would-be criminals kidnap the 12-year-old ballerina daughter of a powerful underworld figure, all they have to do to collect a $50 million ransom is watch the girl overnight. In an isolated mansion, the captors start to dwindle, one by one, and they discover, to their mounting horror, that they're locked inside with no normal little girl.
  10. cin der


    evo dokumentarec o legendi "Within hotel rooms, sheltered from the outside world, Dario Argento created his most acclaimed films. Today, in a hotel room in Rome’s countryside, he is writing his last. This time, however, he is not alone. Today, in agreement with his agent, he decides to return to a hotel to conclude his new script and to be interviewed, filmed, followed by a crew that is shooting a film about him. Inside this structure, Argento does not initially feel at ease, struggling to find tranquility both to finish the writing of his film, and to confide in who is interviewing him. But the demon of cinema, who never abandoned him, followed him up there and will push him, once again, to give himself totally."
  11. cin der


    pa res sem malo zapustil temo
  12. cin der


    Lee Harker (Maika Monroe), a talented new FBI agent, has been assigned to an unsolved case of a serial killer. As the investigation becomes more complicated and occult evidence is uncovered, Harker realizes a personal link to the ruthless killer and must act quickly to prevent another family murder.
  13. cin der


    npr: also
  14. cin der


    @Menethil jaz tukaj spremljam novosti iz sveta filma ..tudi grozljivke iz tu pa omejen na to kar avtojem bloga pritegne pozornost
  15. cin der

    Das Signal

    The Earth has Paula (Peri Baumeister) again. After months in orbit, she is back on Earth. Now a short flight across the pond and she will be back with her family. But Paula never arrives home. Sven (Florian David Fitz) and his daughter Charlie wait at the gate. The plane seems to have been swallowed by the Earth. As Sven tries to protect his daughter from the terrible realization, he grasps at every straw that comes his way. And suddenly, it seems, he finds what he is looking for: Paula has left him a riddle, a common thread that Sven now follows. The more he pulls on it, the more his life collapses, the greater the mystery and threat becomes for him and Charlie and ultimately for the entire world. Because Paula was on the International Space Station. And up there, in the dark of space, she made an incredible discovery…
  16. a strip tudi na ta način? oz. da vprašam drugače,kako dosledno fincher sledi stripu?
  17. Raziskava: aktualni veliki jezikovni modeli nimajo pojavnih lastnosti
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