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VonGriffin je zmagal 2. junija 2023

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3 078 Jezus

Več o članu VonGriffin

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    bom banal, porkafiks

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Skupaj vzeto 6 762 vohunjenj
  1. saj ne da se je cena ostalih vozil za 30% podrazila tako da ne jokaj.. Nov Kodiaq se tule prodaja za 49k Ce nimas denarja si pac novega avta ne kupis ali pa si pameten in naredis kot @Kosinus ki gladko zmaga temo. Se pa strinjam da dokler ne bo pod 30k kaj pametnega o e revoluciji lahko le sanjajo
  2. Podpiram, treba je FDV dol zapret dokler se ne resi palestinsko vprasanje
  3. Rus je zacel to vojno in le Rus jo lahko konca. Trajal bo tocno tako dolgo dokler jim ne bo minilo mlade ljudi posiljati v smrt
  4. VonGriffin


    tale je zadel bistvo: I recommend reading the book. Then you'll understand that his purpose with this series isn't the same; no matter how some people are saying it is. I then recommend reading about the real life historical figures he and the other characters are based on. Then you'll understand even more that this character has been stripped down immensely because Disney, Marks and Kondo didn't want to create a certain type of narrative (i.e., stranger in a strange land and Eurocentric perspective). So, instead of using works by Japanese creatives to tell a similar story or simply a story about that time period, which would allow for an even better focus on Japanese culture from the perspectives of those who are actually Japanese (i.e., in interviews, the claim is that this is why certain narrative choices were made -- more of the Japanese perspective), they seem to be more trying to make a "point" in line with what a specific group of modern viewers would appreciate and want to see happen to some famous fictional works written by creatives from one type of background, while making a lot of money, of course, by connecting this work to Clavell's name. Someone might ask why they didn't just take the stories of the two main historical figures and make a show based on either one. I'd argue that they didn't go down that path because the end result would be the opposite of the point they're apparently trying to make... if they wanted to go with historical accuracy. They could have still filmed from the Japanese perspective, but given the history, they would have been stuck with ideas that wouldn't fit well with modern sensitivities and points of view about certain things. And the biggest problem is that in attempting to make a point with Clavell's Shogun, a lot of important storytelling beats have been tossed aside. This version is missing important character, scene and story details. This show is extremely beautiful and it doesn't hold back on intense drama. The actors have done an excellent job as well. But, it's missing a lot, which I suspect if not next week, over time, more and more people will comment upon as they deconstruct it more closely once they're not sucked in by the week to week cliff hangers, intense between commercial dramatic moments, and the costumes, sets, acting, etc.
  5. VonGriffin


    Kaj se delas pametnega ce ne razumes. Anjin se je naucil jezika ker bi drugace pobili vas. Taksen je bil ukaz da mu mora cela vas pomagat. zacetke pa je dobil od tistega zaprtega meniha kjer manjka legendaren epilog. dejansko mu manjka slovnica ki jo dobi od portugalcev. kot receno fali v seriji kar nekaj konteksta ker so zeleli zgodbo bolj iz japonskega vidika. Kar je komicno ker je serija po knjigi
  6. VonGriffin


    Razen Yabushigeja in pristnosti ta serije enostavno ni boljsa od originala. Mifune in Chamberlain sta odigrala bolje. Poleg tega tam so stvari bolje razlozene in tule veliko manjka Saj je definitivno premalo epizod Ramirez cisto manjka , pa dejansko ne razlozi kako se je Anjin naucil jezika
  7. to sem ravno mislil, v Rijeki imas taksen kreten obcutek ce gres na bicikl ker se za pesake ni kaj dosti placa. Edino kakor lahko prezivis ce se obnasas kot da vozis avtomobila po drugi strani se na podezelju gradijo kolesarske steze in mostovi zaradi EU moneyz brez da bi se kdo vprasal ce je to smiselno
  8. Ce bi bil Bibi pameten zdaj ko mu je dal Hamas free pass bi razstrelil turban Komejina. Eno taksno sporocilo vsakemu islamistu da bo sejf pred judi le v peklu
  9. gre, samo rabis 8ur da napolni
  10. Najboljsa pa je ta da ima celi Krk ce prav vidim samo dve polnilnici tukaj lahko o nekem zelenem prehodu kar pozabiju
  11. tole je cista norost do sedaj sem nalozil: Petrolov OneCharge, Gremo na Elektriko, Mega Mobility, Elen za Hrvasko,easypark, se geni manjka 🤣
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