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Vse objave od Caffrey

  1. Caffrey


    Ja, se vsako sezono ponovi Drugace je nanizanka sproti na HBO GO, kdor ima.
  2. Caffrey


    In the near future, the DC Universe is spinning out of control. The new generation of heroes have lost their moral compass, becoming as reckless and violent as the villains they fight. The previous regime of heroes—the Justice League—returns under dire circumstances, which sets up a battle of the old guard against these uncompromising protectors in a conflict that will define what heroism truly is.
  3. Caffrey


    Konec 4.. Connerty hoče bit pameten pa ga Chuck in fotr zjebeta. Axe in Chuck bosta šla spet v vojno. Taylor se s svojimi vrne nazaj v podjetje. Wendy se preseli v Axe-ovo stanovanje (če se prav spomnim)
  4. Dost beden prvi del. Ne bom takoj skenslal, pogledam se del ali dva, ampak ja, raje prvotno serijo poglej.
  5. Caffrey


    Kar konkretno pocasen zacetek. Upam da ne bo v ospredju locitev do konca sezone.
  6. Eh, ne znajdem se z leplenjem in editiranjem V glavnem; tole bodo super izgovori za novo drkanje o utemeljenih ukrepih na eni strani in diktatorskim zatiranjem na drugi.
  7. Coronavirus infections are rising in Germany, official data shows, just days after the country eased its lockdown restrictions. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the reproduction rate - the estimated number of people a confirmed patient infects - is now above 1. This means the number of infections is now rising in the country. The report came as thousands of Germans gathered on Saturday calling for a total end to the lockdown.
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