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Vse objave od Perza

  1. Ne, tista jajca furat je res obol...Also pod črto mi je spil dost meh...Kot bi igral gt sport v visji resoluciji. Grafika nič posebnega, se vidi zakaj laufa v 4k, tak sterilen plastičen videz, kot da bi bilo osvetljevanje mimo, ajde zvok je boljši, vozni model isti že leta, poškodb ni...Dost povprečna igrca.
  2. Perza

    [udarna] avto tema

    Uf, 9 mesecev 😅 odlicni casi za nakup novega vozila vidim...
  3. Perza

    [udarna] avto tema

    Thanks za info. Drugače sem pa pripravljen na relativno dolge roke dobave oz. me ne moti pretirano, menjava vozila je bila tako v planu nekje drugo leto...Vseeno nekako racunam da bi v max pol leta moral prispeti...
  4. Perza

    [udarna] avto tema

    Kul. Nekje sem zasledil, da je pri nemskih vozilih malo vec manevrskega prostora glede tega, medtem ko pri korejcih nimas prevec za piskati...Pojma nimam koliko je to res, zbiram mal info preden grem po avtohisah, da priblizno vem kaj me caka hehe
  5. Perza

    [udarna] avto tema

    Fantje malo pomoči, kakšne izkušnje s slovenskimi Hyundai dealerji? Kateri vam je šel najbolj na roko in ali se je za nadejati sploh kakšnih ugodnosti (in katerih) pri naročilu novega vozila, ki ga ni na zalogi (i30 N fastback manual, trenutno samo dctji pri nas). Hvala
  6. Ta teden prešpilal A plague tale (ok, dost navadna), Heavy rain (zakon, a tehnolosko slabo postarana in dokaj lesena), Inside (huda k pes, thnx za tip v tej temi), Limbo (še enkrat), Little nightmares 2, Little nightmares 1. Je še kaj podobnega na plejcu tem zadnjim štirim omenjenim, da bi bilo vredno? Thnx
  7. 12e je bundle...Tole bo kr buy zame. Thnx. Detroit in Until dawn sta mi bili jaki ko pes.
  8. Semso se nam gladko smeje in kaze fakica iz avionske kabine
  9. Furat jebeni flight simulator na temu kalkulatorju je ko bi se z medom namazal po riti in spustil po toboganu.
  10. Clovek igra warzone, toj imo legit razlog za ban.
  11. Ajde jebeni warzone...ta spil je totalno preglomazen, kako jim to rata, svaka cast. Drugace pa jaz tudi nimam nobenih problemov s placom tukaj, trenutno namescenih 11 spilov: - a plague tale - re8 village - returnal - ratchet & clank - wreckfest - doom eternal - astro's playroom - nfs hot pursuit - metro exodus - rocket league - streets of rage imam se 284 giga frej. Tole je zame cist luksuz.
  12. Ma evo, meni je bila res joy za igrati (mogoce ker sem gniv casualc, ki ne prenese overly punishing igric), podobno kot recimo Astro, plus grafika, audio, haptika, vse mi je bilo res proper. Po koncu sem šel še lagano pobrati vse zadeve, ki sem jih sfalil, tako da sem v igrici zabil 18 ur. Pod crto sem res uzival in to je najvec kar steje.
  13. Upgrading DOOM Eternal to Next Gen, izid 29. Junij PlayStation 5 Performance Mode: 1584p – 120 FPS Balanced Mode: 2160p – 60 FPS Ray Tracing Mode: 1800p – 60FPS
  14. Jaz sem čist uzival v prvem delu (ps4) in tudi prednaročil tega pri Jazbinšku...Astro mi je bil isto pure joy. Pokažem trailer za dvojko moji boljši polovici in prbije: a ni to bolj za otroke? Takoj sem ji pokazal kakšno škodo lahko naredi otroška roka faci. Nesjne.
  15. The Last of us 2 performance patch za PS5
  16. Exclusive: Next-Gen PlayStation VR Is 4K With Foveated Rendering And Vibration Feature "For those not hip on VR tech, foveated rendering is an inevitable holy grail that will make it so that VR is an order of magnitude easier to run than games on traditional displays. The human eye can only resolve an area about the size of your thumbnail at arms length in full clarity. You can try just looking around you while paying attention to how much of your vision is actually in focus, or you can use [this]( for a pretty instant example. So what this means is that it is unnecessary to render 98% of the image in full resolution because your eyes cannot resolve those details anyway. So now you have an image that is perfectly sharp in the 2% you are rendering at full res, but as soon as you move your pupils off center then it's going to be very noticeable. To combat this in HMDs like the Quest while also getting some perf benefit they essentially match the full res area with the sharpest center part of the lens and then gradual reduce res towards the edges where you're getting some optical blur/distortion anyway. This static style is called "fixed foveated rendering" or "lens matched shading" and it does improve performance but can be noticeable and still leaves a boatload of potential rendering savings on the table. Now enter eye tracking that is fast and accurate enough to keep up with eye movements and you can render _only_ the part of the display you are looking at in a specific moment in full resolution while going as far as filling in the rest with an ML inferred reconstruction based off of a sparse cloud. Once this gets fully worked out and solved, you would get an absolutely gamechanging rendering cost reduction (20x reduction according to FB's Michael Abrash and that's not out of line with other experts) while being indistinguishable from rendering the whole damn thing at once. Gabe Newell a couple years back talked about how he believes we will hit a point where VR HMDs leapfrog traditional displays and anyone that wants to see the highest graphical fidelity will need to put one on their face, this is what he was talking about and it is going to happen eventually." Source:
  17. Gamecenter danes odposlal igrico, za vikend bom zgrizen od žejnih vampirčic <3
  18. Perza

    [PS5] Returnal

    Ma grafika je res huda in clean no, spilam na 75 colarju s treh metrov in nikoli ne bi rekel da je zadeva "1080p", medtem ko sem na prejsnjem base ps4 lahko opazil manjso resolucijo spila od nativne tv resle...Pac interno laufa na 1080, temporal upsampling na 1440p in checkerboarded na 4k, ti algoritmi so danes lahko prekleto zmozni in impresivni. DF itak isce z lupo in potem folk v zrak, drugace pa ja, ce ne bi noben tega objavil, folk ne bi imel blage.
  19. Perza

    [PS5] Returnal

    Blage...nisem imel problemov v spilih do sedaj, kaksen redek crash kdaj, returnal pa danes prov redno obol...Cekiram reddit, nisem edini. Upam da zrihtajo
  20. Perza

    [PS5] Returnal

    Ok spil je zame trenutno neigralen...danes 4x crash po uri pa pol ali dveh in to na res dobre rune...Sicer sem še v prvem biomu sam vseen, zbildan lepo, se kaksen stranski stage in potem gremo na bossa...zmrzal in lep lp error 108255-1. Prov stran vrzen cas. Edit: rebootal ps5, rebuildal db, pofental prvega bossa, prisel v biom 2, tam se malo far so good, nobene zmrzali...
  21. Za tale wreckfest je bilo precej vprasanj ali bo to ps4 varianta, ki bo za ps5 updejtana junija (kot imajo naveden izid), ali bo to dejansko predcasna ps5 enhanced varianta...Izkazalo se je, da ps+ narocniki dobijo enhanced verzijo pred junijskim updejtom:
  22. PlayStation Plus games for May: Battlefield V, Stranded Deep, Wreckfest: Drive Hard. Die Last. Wreckfest PS5 version * 4K 60fps * 24 player multiplayer * Dynamic dirt on vehicles * Improved shadows, particles, and environment lighting * Higher resolution textures * Increased amount of foliage * Godrays * New visual effects for skidmarks * DualSense haptic effects * Much faster loading times
  23. Perza

    [PS5] Returnal

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