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  1. samo dropneš link in ga auto embeda
  2. čenirje je bil odstranjen galko se je samo odločil, da ga ne bo
  3. Bi se dalo kaj več o teh tehničnih razlogih? Tule smo nardili premik na to isto platformo leta 2012 in se je kljub 10x večji bazi preneslo vse, ves content, post counti, ZSji, ni da ni.
  4. Bom ob priliki nardil en vodič po nakupovanju in dealhuntingu. Drugač pa fascikli zaenkrat kažejo, da je best digi deal za Astral Chain južna afrika, fizičnega pa trenutno ni neki, enih 48 shipped je najugodneje.
  5. Pregled novih in prihajajočih igric - 【 CYBERPUNK】edition. Pozdravljamo leto neona. 24. aprila je izšel Cloudpunk (PC, pozneje letos tudi vse so(do)bne konzole) In this story-based exploration game, you will meet a diverse range of characters including androids, AI and unscrupulous humans at every level of society. Everyone has a story, and in the course of one night in Nivalis, everything will change. 12. maja izide VirtuaVerse (PC) VirtuaVerse is a cyberpunk point & click adventure set in a future not so far away narrating tales of technomancers, AR graffiti writers, hacker groups, tribes of cryptoshamans, digital archeology, epic cyberwars, and virtual reality debauchery. OST by Master Boot Record Demo na voljo zdaj, igra enkrat 2020 - Ghostrunner (PC, PS4, X1) Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk setting of a futuristic mega-structure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the very bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster and take your revenge. Enkrat 2020 - Gamedec (PC) Gamedec is a single-player cyberpunk isometric RPG. You are a game detective, who solves crimes inside virtual worlds. Use your wits to gather info from your witnesses and suspects, getting to the bottom of deceptive schemes. The game continually adapts to your decisions and never judges. Enkrat 2020 - The Ascent (PC, X1, XSX) The Ascent is a solo and co-op action RPG set in a cyberpunk world. The mega corporation that owns you and everyone, The Ascent Group, has just collapsed. Can you survive without it? Enkrat 2020 - Recompile (PC) Take control of a semi-sapient program and escape deletion in this atmospheric, Metroidvania-inspired hacking adventure. Set in the sprawling 3D world of the Mainframe, Recompile features intense combat, tight platforming, environmental hacking and a unique branching narrative. Konec 2020 - LOW-FI (PC VR) LOW-Fi is a new kind of experience designed specifically for VR. More akin to a holodeck program than a traditional game. The massive open world has a lot to do, but it's up to you as the player as to what you want to do. This is a completely non-linear world. You can patrol the skies handing out tickets, hang out in the arcade and play games, or try your luck at the casino. How earn and spend your credits is entirely up to you. Seveda ne pozabimo, da nas pred koncem leta čaka še Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition (PC in konzole)
  6. Pač TLOU2 / GOT / CP2077 bo res kombo nevidenih razsežnosti. What a time.
  7. Upam da imaš oblečene zelo ohlapne gate, ki drugače ni varno gledat 😄 Tole je ves footage do zdaj, vsebuje tudi (early) gameplay.
  8. Kar imam jaz izkušenj je najbolj zanesljiv Konzolko, samo jih nimam ful. Zelo zelo kul so mi tudi pri eigre, ampak nisem nikoli kupoval day 1, mejbi povprašaj kdaj dobijo/pošljejo.
  9. Slinch


    Počasi (res počasi) rastoč seznam kul robe v retrowave sceni. Zadnje dodani imajo zvezdico. Klik na izvajalca je link na bandcamp/YT/drug source sweet sweet zvokov. Vokal: Chill/ambient/outrun: Dark/heavy/industrial: Chromatics Ace Buchannon * Absolute Valentine Dana Jean Phoenix Alpha Chrome Yayo Acryl Madness * Dragon Inn 3 Analog '82 Ainoma Essenger Arcade High Alex Electric Youth Arcade Summer Anachronist Flight 328 Betamaxx Anvil Strykez Foret de Vin Biodrive * Anxietygod Freeweights Bryce Miller Bloodpanic Gunship Cassetter Bourgeoisie Iversen College Carbon Killer * Jessie Frye Crockett Carpenter Brut Kidburn Dryve * Cyberthing! Korine Duett Code Elektro Kristine Dynatron Com Truise LeBrock Earmake * Confrontational Le Cassette Emil Rottmayer Dance With The Dead Love Impasse FM-84 Danger Magic Dance Futurecop! Daniel Deluxe Maxthor Galaxy 80 * Dan Terminus Mecha Maiko Highway Superstar Dav Dralleon * Michael Oakley Hotel Pools Deadlife The Midnight Jordan F DreamReaper Moonrunner83 Juno Dreams Elay Arson The Motion Epic Kalax Electric Dragon NeverMann * Kavinsky Emmett Brown Nina L'Avenue Extra Terra * Ollie Wride Lifelike Favorit89 * Paradise Walk Lost Outrider Fixions Patterns Lost Years Fury Weekend Primo the Alien * Makeup and Vanity Set Glitch Black PRIZM Marvel83' GosT Sattelite Young Miami Nights 1984 Gregorio Franco (zelo heavy) Scandroid Memorex Memories Gress * Star Cassette Moondragon Hollywood Burns Sunset Neon Morgan Willis Hyper * Von Kaiser Neon Nox Isidor Wolfclub Neontenic * Judge Bitch * Yota OSC Kick Puncher * You Drive * Pontiac At Night Lazerhawk Pylot Lazerpunk * Robert Parker Le Matos Sellorekt/LA Dreams Lukhash sep.87 Lyde * Symmetry M.A.D.E.S. * System96 Magic Sword Teeel * Masked Timecop1983 Master Boot Record VHS Dreams Mega Drive Wayfloe Meteor Zombie Hyperdrive Mitch Murder Monomer Neuromancer (Kranj reprizent) Night Runner Nightstop Owl Vision * Perhopes * Perturbator Power Glove Revizia * Roex Quixotic Shredder 1984 * Sierra * Signal Void Street Cleaner * Street Fever * Sung Surge Tommy 86 Tonebox Ultraboss UltraKiller * VanMahner VHS Glitch * Volkor X Waveshaper Wayfloe * We Are Magonia * Wice Wolf And Raven
  10. V tem topicu bi želel v OP dodajat nove omembe vredne relise. Zdaj ne morem. Tako je topic takoj manj vreden.
  11. kaj si zdaj to nardil jebemo, jaz sem upal da bo vse v enem topicu, ki folk itak tako redko sprašuje za karkoli drugega kot slušalke, zdaj pa arey lagano še en topic za zvočnike in en topic za slušalke umor 😄
  12. Fino bi bilo imeti moč urejat sporočilca kdajkoli, ne samo 10 minut. Sploh, ko gre za agregatorske OPje.
  13. The year is 1274. Samurai warriors are the legendary defenders of Japan--until the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the island of Tsushima, wreaking havoc and conquering the local population. As one of the last surviving samurai, you rise from the ashes to fight back. But, honorable tactics won't lead you to victory. You must move beyond your samurai traditions to forge a new way of fighting--the way of the Ghost--as you wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Japan. Ghost of Tsushima, an open-world game set during the era of the samurai in feudal Japan, is coming exclusively to PlayStation 4. 17.7.2020
  14. Ker v gostilni hitro padejo na tla in jih opiti mn3čarji zbrcajo pod mizo, v druge teme pa redko spadajo, se mi je zahotelo ločenega topicka za novičke in relise igričarske krame. Uvodno pa še kratek vodič.Fizične izdaje digi-only igric in igračk ______________________________________________________________________ Največje ime v svetu mokrih sanj retail loverjev je brez dvoma Limited Run Games. V štartu so bile naklade izjemno nizke, danes je dosti naslovov odprtih preorderjev, kjer zbirajo naročila od nekaj tednov do meseca ali dveh. Včasih celo relisajo kak naslov, ki je že bil v prosti prodaji, toliko da jim ni dolgcajt. Za novice glede LE retail izdaj je dobro spremljati Limited Game News, za odmevnejše naslove je dovolj čekirati tale topic. Pregled LE retailerjev: Limited Run Games (ZDA) - PS4, Switch, Vita, občasno PS3, GB, NES, SNES, N64, včasih celo vinil. V poštnino je vštet davek (precej nižji, kot bi bil sicer), tako da ni strahu pred uvoznimi dajatvami. Special Reserve Games (ZDA) - PS4, Switch, PC. Ponudijo možnost poštnine brez DDV in z DDV, slednja je seveda za nas absolutno ugodnejša, razen če imamo strica, ki dela na carinski pošti. Strictly Limited Games (EU) - PS4, Switch. Pošiljajo iz Nemčije, poštnina je precej ugodna. Signature Edition Games (EU) - PS4, Switch, PC, Xbox1. Signature izdaje pridejo z dodatnimi bonbončki, navadne izdaje so večinoma tudi v širši distribuciji, na voljo pri večini retailerjev. iam8bit (ZDA) - PS4, Switch, NES, SNES. Dobre igrice, drag uvoz. Fangamer (ZDA) - PS4, Switch. Večinoma prodajajo merch, kdaj tudi kakšno igro. Hude izdaje sicer. Play Asia (JP) - PS4, Switch, Vita. Visoke cene, draga poštnina, uvozne dajatve. Super Rare Games (EU) - Switch. Samo stikalo, zelo občasni relisi. IndieBox (ZDA) - PC. Zbirateljske izdaje, igrice so včasih na ploščku, včasih na USBju. First Press Games (EU) - PS4, Switch. Precej frišni, lepe izdaje, ne vem, če so že kaj poslali. Red Art Games (EU) - PS4, Switch. Bolj shovelware naslovi iskreno.Warned Collectors (EU) - PS4, Switch. Sicer so nekaj igric že izdali, ampak noben ne ve, če so tudi kakšno že poslali. Kar ironična izbira imena. Hard Copy Games (ZDA) - PS4. Hja no. City Dispatch (ZDA) - PS4, Switch. Prodajajo svoje igrice. Dispatch Games. Prvič slišim. GameFairy (EU) - PS4, Switch. Igrice. Nekatere so standard retail izdaje, za druge sploh nisem vedel, da obstajajo. 1Print Games (JP) - Switch. ビデオゲーム Physicality Games (ZDA) - PS4, Switch. Založništvo skozi kickstarter model. Hm. Knjige (zgodovinski pregledi igričarskih serij, hardverja, artbooki, vodiči, leposlovje) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Med najmočnejšimi založbami art knjig sta Dark Horse in Titan Books, hude retrospektive delajo pri Bitmap Books, podobno Read Only Memory, poglobljene analize serij pri Third Editions, vodiče pa razni Prima Games in Future Press.Bukve se najugodneje dobi na starešini bookdepository in bolj svežem blackwell's (pri obeh je strošek poštnine že vštet v ceno), je pa vredno poprimerjat cene med različnimi amazoni in ostalimi UK retailerji s pomočjo in (CD in vinil, včasih kak ezoteričen format) _______________________________________________________________________________________ CD scene ne spremljam ful, lahko doda kdo, ki jo. Igričarski vinil so v mainstream popeljali Iam8bit, ampak so kar smeti založba, z obupnim quality standardom in slabšim customer servicom. Nedavno so tudi skenslali EU skladišče, zato so njihovi relisi pri nas precej dragi (od 40€ naprej). Arkadne bisere 80ih in 90ih oživljajo pri Data Discs, angleška založba, nor nivo kvalitete. Potem so tu še Laced Records, Ship to Shore, Minority Records, Spacelab9, Mondo , Fangamer in kup manjših. AAA naslovi pa ponavadi dobijo kar relis velike založbe, kar pomeni nižje cene in širša dobavljivost (včasih res za drobiž z amazona).Razcvetela je tudi scena bootlegov, vsak teden vzklije nova „založba“ z nekim 90s nintendo OSTjem, te so res za hardcore fane, težko jih je dobit, visoke cene zaradi mizernih naklad, pojavijo pa se čist obskurni naslovi.Precej ažurno updejtan spisek igričarskih OSTjev na vinilu: https://www.discogs....age=1&limit=250Printi (nizke naklade, hud art) _____________________________________________________________ Vodilni v printih so valda Mondo, čeprav so igričarske vsebine pri njih redkost. Ampak ko izdajo, je art res hud in kvaliteta tiska na vrhuncu. Je pa potrebno biti takoj zraven, redko je izdelek dobavljiv več kot uro po relisu. Cene s poštnino od 70€ naprej, ker so v US pa je velika možnost uvoznih dajatev, v grobem poviša strošek za 25-30%.Konceptni art v print obliki tiskajo (takisto v majhnih količinah) pri Cook & Becker z nizozemske, cene štartajo pri 100€.Kipci in rekviziti ____________________________________ Nizkocenovne igračke igračk fura NECA, velikosti 1/10 in 1/4, cene 30-100€. Pogosto izdelajo tudi kak rekvizit, ti se gibljejo med 100 in 300€. PVC kipce se najde tudi pri Dark Horse (okrog 35€) in TriForce (50-100€), med drugimi.V višjem rangu se igričarskim vsebinam najbolj posvečajo Gaming Heads in First 4 Figures. Velikosti od 1/6 do 1/4, cene od 200-800€. F4F so nedavno skočili v PVC vode, okrog stotaka.Premium kose izbranih franšiz (predvsem Witcher in Arkham serija in Bloodborne) furajo Prime 1 Studio, velikosti 1/3, cene od 1-2k€. Pop Culture Shock se ukvarjajo skoraj izključno s Street Fighter in Mortal Kombat brandi, velikosti 1/4 in 1/3, cene od 400-1000€. Tu so še H.M.O. Collectibles, pa Tsume za anime licence, vse stane ful.Za nakupovanje so hude strani LCDN iz belgije, Space Figuren iz nemčije, pogosto pa si izborijo precej nizke cene čehi pri Svet Komiksu. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PREGLED KNJIG NA TEMO ZGODOVINE IGRIC IGRAČK ARKADEARTCADE - The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art (bitmap)SEGA Arcade: Pop-Up History (readonlymemory)KONZOLEThe Game Console: A Photographic History from Atari to Xbox (no starch)AtariArt of Atari (dynamite)SinclairSinclair ZX Spectrum: a visual compendium (bitmap)CommodoreCommodore 64: a visual Commpendium (bitmap)Commodore Amiga: a visual Commpendium (bitmap)SNKNEOGEO: a visual history (bitmap)SEGASEGA Master System: a visual compendium (bitmap)SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works (readonlymemory)SEGA Dreamcast: Collected Works (readonlymemory)NintendoThe History of Nintendo 1889-1980 (pix'n love)NES/Famicom: a visual compendium (bitmap)UItimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library (punk effect)SNES/Super Famicom: a visual compendium (bitmap)Super Famicom: The Box Art Collection (bitmap)Super Nintendo Anthology (geeksline)The SNES Pixel Book (bitmap)Nintendo 64 Anthology (geeksline)Generation 64 - How the Commodore 64 inspired a generation of Swedish gamers (bitmap)Gamecube Anthology (geeksline)SonyPlaystation Anthology (geeksline)STUDIJIThe Bitmap BrothersThe Bitmap Brothers: Universe (readonlymemory)Gremlin Graphics / Gremlin InteractiveA Gremlin in the Works (bitmap)idMasters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture (random house)Naughty DogThe Art of Naughty Dog (dark horse)Sensible SoftwareSensible Software 1986–1999 (readonlymemory)Vlambeer120 Years of Vlambeer & Friends. Bringing back arcade games since 1896 (cook & becker)ŽANRIThe CRPG Book: A Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games (bitmap)The Art of Point-and-Click Adventure Games (bitmap)SERIJE500 Years Later: An Oral History of Final Fantasy VII (readonlymemory)The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy (dark horse)Killzone Visual Design (cook & becker)The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia (dark horse)The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts (dark horse)The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia (dark horse)Mega Man: Official Complete Works (Udon)The Art of Metal Gear Solid I-IV (dark horse)Metal Slug: The Ultimate History (bitmap)Sonic The Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Art Book (cook & becker)Super Mario Encyclopedia (dark horse)The Art Of Tomb Raider (dreams and visions)20 Years of Tomb Raider (prima games)REGIJEJaponskaJapansoft: An Oral History (readonlymemory)Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life (dover)The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers (smg)UKBritsoft: An Oral History (readonlymemory)SPLOŠNA ZGODOVINABlood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made (harper)Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle that Defined a Generation (dey street) The Games That Weren't (bitmap)Replay: The History of Video Games (yellow ant)The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokemon (three rivers)
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