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Vse objave od TheToon

  1. Na je TLOU2 na voljo za 32 EUR.
  2. Na je TLOU2 na voljo za 32 EUR.
  3. A ni ta avtocesta vidna vsem in jo vsi gradijo? Ne razumem tega koncepta deljenja. Če postavim zipline, je vidna online za vse, ki trenutno igrajo? po kolikšnem času pa je ni več? Also pri ziplinu bi bilo idealno, če bi lahko nanj pripel cargo in ga poslal na drugo stran :D Drugi also, škoda da stare teme ni več na voljo, da bi v miru prebral, kaj ste pisali. :(
  4. chapter 3 se mi zdi zelo dolg. Že zdej imam 25 ur, koliko ur se bo šele nabralo do konca? Tbh ne vem če bom obrnil, ker zgleda, da bom zapravil okrog 200 ur samo za ta špil. Kako najlažje premagujete MULE? Men se zdi zaenkrat pokalica easy peasy. Kako se kot BT pojavi delfin? 1x sem ga pomotoma srečal, a ne vem kako.
  5. Na bigbangu še imajo nekaj prostih PS5 fatk za prednaročilo btw.
  6. Ne drži. Ko enkrat imaš igro v knjižnici, jo lahko igraš do izteka gamepassa, ne glede na to, ali je igra še v storu ali ne. Enako kot na PS+.
  7. Hogwarts Legacy is an upcoming open-world role-playing game set in the late 1800s in the Wizarding World, developed by Avalanche Software and published by Portkey Games. The game will be released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows in 2021. Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books. Players can take control of the action and be at the center of their own adventure in the wizarding world. Embark on a journey through familiar and new locations as the player explore and discover fantastic beasts, customize their character and craft potions, master spell casting, upgrade talents. The game allows the players to experience Hogwarts in the 1800s. The player is a student who holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart. The player has received a late acceptance to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and soon discover that you are no ordinary student: you possess an unusual ability to perceive and master Ancient Magic. Only you can decide if you will protect this secret for the good of all, or yield to the temptation of more sinister magic. Hypan nad potencialom igre. Developerska hiša pa ni bogvekaj, tako da bo najbrž vse skupaj eno veliko razočaranje.
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