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Pedoro-san je zmagal 16. januar 2023

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1 398 Jezus

Več o članu Pedoro-san

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Nedavni špegarji

Skupaj vzeto 7 968 vohunjenj
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  7. “Is he not small for his age, Jessica?’ the old woman asked. Her voice wheezed and twanged like an untuned baliset. Paul’s mother answered in her soft contralto: ‘The Atreides are known to start late getting their growth, Your Reverence.’ ‘So I’ve heard, so I’ve heard,’ wheezed the old woman. ‘Yet he’s already fifteen.” one space travel and treachery later “The knife moved down, slashed the bindings of his legs. Paul felt the hand on his back to hurl him down onto the sand, feigned a lurch against the door-frame for purchase, turned as though to catch himself, lashed out with his right foot. The toe was aimed with a precision that did credit to his long years of training, as though all of that training focused on this instant. Almost every muscle of his body cooperated in the placement of it. The tip struck the soft part of Czigo’s abdomen just below the sternum, slammed upward with terrible force over the liver and through the diaphragm to crush the right ventricle of the man’s heart. With one gurgling scream, the guard jerked backward across the seats. Paul, unable to use his hands, continued his tumble onto the sand, landing with a roll that took up the force and brought him back to his feet in one motion. He drove back into the cabin, found the knife and held it in his teeth while his mother sawed her bonds. She took the blade and freed his hands.”
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  13. Pedoro-san


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