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Primera Division


Priporočeni prispevki

Armando reče Dne, 25. 8. 2024 at 16:13:

Po videnem sodeč bo Valencia letos bila težko bitko za obstanek.


Lim zatiskuje kamor se da in zgleda, da bo kaj kmalu a la Seguna Liga.


Ja, slabo je tole zaenkrat, res slabo. 


Po porazu 3-2 proti Las Palmasu (za katere je bila to prva zmaga v ligi po februarju!) so padli na zadnje mesto. :wacko: Navijačem tudi dokončno prekipelo.


After the game, thousands of fans gathered at the door of the box to protest vigorously against the club's board and threatening to storm the stadium shouting "you're not going to come out." The national police cordoned off the entrance to the box and the players and managers could not leave the stadium. Time passed and there were more and more people protesting. The songs were directed at Peter Lim, Layhoon Chan, Miguel Ángel Corona, Javier Solís and also protagonists from the club's past during the sale process such as Amadeo Salvo.

The players usually leave their cars in the garage of the club offices, which are just over 100 meters from Mestalla. The fans marched towards the parking lot door and, someone in a rage, even burned a container that was soon put out. The state security forces had to charge against the crowd to make things worse. Pepelu, very affected by what happened on the pitch and by the dramatic situation that the team is experiencing, left the stadium crying.

The directors left the stadium through the opposite exit to the box door. They left along Avenida de Aragón where there were no fans waiting. The players, escorted by police, flocked to the parking lot where they had parked their vehicles and went home.


Such a tense situation has not been remembered since January 26, 2023 when Valencia lost to Athletic Club in the Copa del Rey and thousands of fans acted in a manner similar to that experienced last night. That day will be remembered for the incident with Yunus Musah whose car was shaken when he wanted to leave the stadium. Last night will be remembered as a black night in the history of Valencia. The fans are fed up.


Saj izpadli po mojem ne bodo, ampak res zelo žalostno, kam je Lim pripeljal ta klub. :no: 


Povezava do prispevka
reder reče Dne, 6. 8. 2024 at 14:45:


Tudi jaz bi raje Alvareza v Barco za ta bolan denar kot pa tisto kar sem objavil v postu zgoraj. 


Cholo tradicionalno zna z takimi napadalci kljub temu, da je sam sistem precej defenziven. IMO bo Alvarez uspeh in čez par let teh 90 mio ne bo izgledalo preplačano. 

no, so far je kr vlko razočaranje, da o igri Atletov ne govorim...

Povezava do prispevka

Res je, ga pa ne bi odpisal. Atleti rabijo novega trenerja ampak je Cholotu preveč udobno, odpupustiti ga je pa tudi nemogoče tako, da dvomim, da se bo to kmalu zgodilo. Mogoče če mu obljubijo Argentino po SP26. Bi bilo zanimivo videti te Atlete z malo drugačnim trenerjem. 

Povezava do prispevka
ronaldinho reče Dne, 22. 10. 2024 at 12:19:


Ja, slabo je tole zaenkrat, res slabo. 


Po porazu 3-2 proti Las Palmasu (za katere je bila to prva zmaga v ligi po februarju!) so padli na zadnje mesto. :wacko: Navijačem tudi dokončno prekipelo.


After the game, thousands of fans gathered at the door of the box to protest vigorously against the club's board and threatening to storm the stadium shouting "you're not going to come out." The national police cordoned off the entrance to the box and the players and managers could not leave the stadium. Time passed and there were more and more people protesting. The songs were directed at Peter Lim, Layhoon Chan, Miguel Ángel Corona, Javier Solís and also protagonists from the club's past during the sale process such as Amadeo Salvo.

The players usually leave their cars in the garage of the club offices, which are just over 100 meters from Mestalla. The fans marched towards the parking lot door and, someone in a rage, even burned a container that was soon put out. The state security forces had to charge against the crowd to make things worse. Pepelu, very affected by what happened on the pitch and by the dramatic situation that the team is experiencing, left the stadium crying.

The directors left the stadium through the opposite exit to the box door. They left along Avenida de Aragón where there were no fans waiting. The players, escorted by police, flocked to the parking lot where they had parked their vehicles and went home.


Such a tense situation has not been remembered since January 26, 2023 when Valencia lost to Athletic Club in the Copa del Rey and thousands of fans acted in a manner similar to that experienced last night. That day will be remembered for the incident with Yunus Musah whose car was shaken when he wanted to leave the stadium. Last night will be remembered as a black night in the history of Valencia. The fans are fed up.


Saj izpadli po mojem ne bodo, ampak res zelo žalostno, kam je Lim pripeljal ta klub. :no: 




To zato ker so odpustili Garyja. Če bi takrat ostal bi se ravno sedaj vračali iz 2 lige in bi bila situacija bolj pozitivna. 

uredilo bitje kemik
Povezava do prispevka

Laporta je Junto obvestil, da je končno sklenjen dogovor za podaljšanje z Nike-om do leta 2038.  


The first is the one that runs from this year until 2028, a period in which 45 million euros more will be paid per season, which are divided into 35 'kilos' of improvement plus another 10 from the proration of the renewal bonus. But the big leap will be a reality starting in the 2028-29 season, once the current contract ends. In fact, from then on and for the next ten years, from that year until 2038, Barça will earn 60 million more each year (50 million in improvement plus the same 10 in bonus that are divided between all the years that include the new contract).

Povezava do prispevka
ronaldinho reče pred 20 urami:

Laporta je Junto obvestil, da je končno sklenjen dogovor za podaljšanje z Nike-om do leta 2038.  


The first is the one that runs from this year until 2028, a period in which 45 million euros more will be paid per season, which are divided into 35 'kilos' of improvement plus another 10 from the proration of the renewal bonus. But the big leap will be a reality starting in the 2028-29 season, once the current contract ends. In fact, from then on and for the next ten years, from that year until 2038, Barça will earn 60 million more each year (50 million in improvement plus the same 10 in bonus that are divided between all the years that include the new contract).


evo tudi uradno 


Povezava do prispevka

Nekaj se piše o prodaji Christensena, mogoče že januarja. United naj bi bil zainteresiran. Odličen CB, ko je zdrav, kar je pa žal malokrat, tako da nisem čisto nasproten prodaji.


Flick pa hoče pripeljati Taha, ki se mu poleti izteče pogodba. Vprašanje pa, če ga bo Bayer prodal pozimi, ker še vedno igra vse tekme za njih. 

Povezava do prispevka

Vini je out 3-4 tedne. Zdaj se bo imel priliko Mbappe dokazat na levi starni. Pa Endrik bi moral dobiti minute v napadu, Guler je pa ze veckrat dokazal, da si zasluzi biti v prvi postavi, samo kaj ko ga bo Rodrygo spet posedu. 

Za Valverdeja pa nimam besed, kaksen igralec, z odliko bo odigral neglede na katerem polozaju mora igrati. 


Vini si pa lih ne dela nekih uslug s tem padanjem, potiskanjem in cinicnem smejanjem, zaradi tega bo se bolj osovrazen in se manj mu bojo sodniki piskali. Lahko bo dosegel 50 golou na sezono pa zaradi karakterja ne bo dobil glasov za blon. 

Povezava do prispevka

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