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Najdeno 17 rezultatov

  1. Gost

    [multi] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    Naj mi ena oseba razlozi 5 stvari v katerih je Witcher 3 presezek. Po par odgovorih pa jaz odgovorim s petimi stvarmi ki so motile mojo izkusnjo tega spila. Res ne razumem kaj je folku pri tej igri vsec, pa bi ful rad.
  2. The year is 1274. Samurai warriors are the legendary defenders of Japan--until the fearsome Mongol Empire invades the island of Tsushima, wreaking havoc and conquering the local population. As one of the last surviving samurai, you rise from the ashes to fight back. But, honorable tactics won't lead you to victory. You must move beyond your samurai traditions to forge a new way of fighting--the way of the Ghost--as you wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Japan. Ghost of Tsushima, an open-world game set during the era of the samurai in feudal Japan, is coming exclusively to PlayStation 4. 17.7.2020
  3. 10.4.2020, Square Enix, za Playstation 4 Set in the dystopian cyberpunk metropolis of Midgar, players control mercenary Cloud Strife as he and an eco-terrorist group known as AVALANCHE oppose a powerful megacorporation known as Shinra from using the planet's life essence as an energy source. The gameplay combines real-time action with strategic and role-playing elements. Square Enix
  4. Platform(s) PlayStation 4 & 5 Release March 4, 2022
  5. Datum izida: 15.11.2019Prvi teaser: Sobota, 13.4.2019 ob 20:30 na Star Wars Celebration okrogli mizi. Live feedRazvijalec: Respawn Entertainment (Titanfall, Titanfall 2, Apex Legends)Založnik: Electronic ArtsPlatforme: PC, PS4, XBOX ONEZnana dejstva:- action-adventure, SINGLE-PLAYER (link)- igrali bomo v vlogi jedi padawana, ki je preživel order 66- Chris Avellone je delal na igri - TweetFeatures: You can upgrade and customize your lightsaber with different parts and colors Levels are quite large Lightsaber combat is silk smooth and responsive and it's close to Sekiro Vehicles with guns confirmed Difficulty settings and there was plenty of challenge in the GI demo, harder than the EA Play demo There are combos but enemies are tough There's a ship-HUB, you use this to travel to various planets Many path locked behind gadgets and abilities to unlock Good variety in locations in old and brand new planets There's Photo mode Player customization and Skill tree with various upgrade circles Dark Souls and Metroid were referenced often Zadnji update za špil je prinesel par novih stvari: nove izzive (combat challenges) do katerih dostopate med meditacijo nove kozmetične elemente (lol) New game plus (ne se preveč veselit, v tej igri se prenese samo kozmetika, ki ste jo našli v prejšnem preigravanju :P) (lahko bi pač naredili, ko odkleneš novo sposobnost, in s tem nova veja nadgradenj, da se pač izpolnijo vse nadgradnje od prej, a ne....)
  6. gojc

    [multi] Stray

    Stray is coming to PS5 from BlueTwelve and Annapurna Interactive
  7. JediEagle

    Psychonauts 2

    Pitch video Povezava do crowdfundinga (le del celotnega proračuna) Teaser trailer Nekaj o zgodbi AMA s Timom Schaferjem Gameplay trailer: In other news: Microsoft je kupil Double Fine, Psychonauts 2 še vedno pride na vse napovedane platforme: PC(Win, Linux, Mac) PS4, Xbox One
  8. Bessie

    [PS4] Nioh 2

  9. Ker je TLOU 2 ena najbolj hype heavy špilov v zadnjih letih, je prav, da ima ločen topic za vse, vezano na spoilerje. Vsaj recimo za prvo leto ali dve Torej v main topic pišite vtise o igri, kako se igra, kakšen ima vibe, kako so zadeli mood, ali je kul narejen špil, ali je so pametno in s filingom zadeli razna družbena vprašanja itd... ... tukaj pa sam s spoilerji po faci, boli te kurac.
  10. Evo, odprta tema za vse GOTY diskusije. Tema se bo zaklenila 2.1.2023.
  11. Lunco

    Death Stranding

    Mal me mika, da bi še enkrat na PCju kupu pa preigral. Mogoče bom rajš počaku na novo grafo pa pol k bo cenej, da ne bom res dvakrat plaču polne cene. Fak mi je bolan špil še zmer.
  12. spaceman

    [multi] The Ascent

    Končno spet en couch co-op !!! release date za konzole : 24. marec 2022
  13. Da imamo temo ce bi kdo kdaj kaksno odpeljal. Danes sem fural malo daily, prebijam se do A ratinga (DR), manjka mi se ene par dobrih dirk.
  14. Me3do

    P: PS4, NSW igre

    Prodam naslednje igre: PS4 Kingdom Come: Deliverance Royal Edition 25€ Monster Hunter: World 15€ LEGO City Undercover 15€ Nintendo Switch Astral Chain 35€ V primeru plačila z nakazilom na TRR, krijem stroške pošiljanja. Ostali info na ZS.
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