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ZDA - pospešeno hirajoč imperij


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kalasnikov reče pred 4 urami:

In to je slabo za EU ker?


1991: 2 mehiška pesa (MXN) = 1 ameriški dolar ($)

2021: 25MXN = 1$


Kaj se spremeni za folk? Mehika je dober primer, ker 75 % njene zunanje trgovine predstavlja trgovanje z ZDA.



More specifically, if the Mexican exporters must pay MXN 25.0 instead of MXN 2.0 for $1, it would seem that the Mexican export sector loses surplus value to the US import sector, i.e., that the loss is borne by Mexican exporters. Actually, after devaluation, with $1 the US importers can purchase many more Mexican commodities, both means of production and of consumption. So, it is Mexican capitalists and labour as a whole that lose the value incorporated in the lost use values. The rate of profit in Mexico falls. As for the Mexican exporters, with the revalued $1 they can buy MXN 25.0 (instead of MXN 2) worth of Mexican goods. So their MXN rate of profit rises, while that of the economy as a whole falls. Fewer Mexican commodities are available both to Mexican capital and to Mexican labour. Devaluation impoverishes labour and weakens the domestic capital of Mexico, but enriches the exporting capitals. The export sectors claim a greater part of a shrinking quantity of means of consumption and production html-copy1

Povezava do prispevka

Drugače, za spomin:


July 2022 - Year-on-year inflation in the OECD as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose to 9.6% in May 2022 (Figure 1), compared with 9.2% in April 2022, largely driven by food and energy prices. This represents the sharpest price increase since August 1988. Year-on-year inflation increased in all countries except Colombia, Japan, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Ten OECD countries recorded double-digit inflation, with the highest rates recorded in Türkiye, Estonia and Lithuania.

Food price inflation in the OECD continued to surge, reaching 12.6% in May 2022 compared with 11.5% in April. Energy price inflation jumped to 35.4% year-on-year in May 2022, up from 32.9% in April. Excluding food and energy, year-on-year inflation increased to 6.4% in May 2022, compared with 6.2% in April 2022.


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bainit reče pred 10 urami:

problem za evropo je tudi to, da če bodo zvišali obrestne mere, bodo najebali PIIGS (like da bo kateri od njih dejansko defaultiral)

Jah zaenkrat se še nič ne dogaja, inflacija je že skoraj double digit, mi pa še furamo negativne om.

Pomoje ravno zarad dolžniške krize ne bodo upali prav dosti dvigovati om, ker imamo trade off med ponovnim izbruhom dolžniške krize in inflacijo. Slednja na drugi strani lahko malo popapca italijanski dolg, medtem ko proti inflaciji tbh cb lahko stori bore malo, ker je cost push narave. Sploh pa ni nemogoče, da se umiri sama od sebe, nekih bajnih rasti plač ni, kitajsko gospodarstvo je v dire straits kar sprosti povpraševanje po surovinah, ki so največji krivec za inflacijo, recesija prihaja tudi v naše kraje.

Sem tudi povprašal frenda, ki je v zakladništvu v banki in je rekel, da pričakujejo, da bo inflacija ubila samo sebe preko recesije.

Povezava do prispevka

Napeto bo (oz. še bolj, kot je že haha)




On the campaign trail, many Republicans see a civil war

In both swing states and safe seats, GOP candidates say that liberals hate them personally and may turn rioters or a police state on people who disobey them



Liberal commentators made liberal use of the word “fascism” to describe Trump’s presidency. The baseless theory that President Barack Obama was undermining American power as a foreign agent was popular with some Republicans, including Trump, who succeeded Obama in the White House.

Povezava do prispevka

Kaj o padcu v recesijo pravi župan New Yorka?



Mayor Eric Adams declared the US has entered into a recession and “Wall Street is collapsing” – contradicting President Biden’s claims that the nation is doing fine earlier Thursday.

“You tell me what to take off the plate if you want me to put something else on the plate. I’m coming to you as a city and saying, ‘This is how much we have, that’s it,'” the Big Apple mayor said during an event in Staten Island at Sanzer Yeshiva hosted by nonprofit Project Hospitality, according to a report in Hamodia.


“We are in a financial crisis like you can never imagine,” he added.

Adams later walked back the comments.

“The president will make a determination on the official title of where we are;


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