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hordak reče Dne, 5. 7. 2020 at 14:37:



evo mal o Kanyetovi kandidaturi


Regarding the development of a Covid-19 vaccine, he said: “It’s so many of our children that are being vaccinated and paralysed … So when they say the way we’re going to fix covid is with a vaccine, I’m extremely cautious. That’s the mark of the beast.

“They want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven.”

West added that Covid-19 was “all about God. We need to stop doing things that make God mad.”




Plus, da vidimo, kaj bo s tem:


West has missed the deadline to appear on the ballot in a number of states, but he argued that he could be added as a latecomer due to the coronavirus.

uredilo bitje The Mothership
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hordak reče pred 9 minutami:

Zakaj bi se registriral na Pravdo, bolj biased medij težko najdeš. Njihovi članki so bolj guilty pleasure za brat.

ne vem, kaj bi ti rekel, če hočeš brat, se boš registriral (ali pa odprl članek v reader viewu in stisnil reload), če nočeš brat, se ne boš.



uredilo bitje The Mothership
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A video of a white woman in the US who called 911 on a black neighbour sitting in his car outside his house has caused outrage online.

The video, posted on Facebook last month by Jeremy Fortner, is believed to have been taken in Anchorage, Alaska. 

Fortner was waiting for his son outside the house they both live in. 

The video shows a white woman shouting she has called the police. Fortner says he lives in the house opposite where the car is parked, then the woman storms to his front door, telling him to prove he lived there. 

"Come into your f*cking house," she said.

"No problem, no problem. This lady is in my way at my house, saying I don't live here," Fortner said in the video, before opening the door to his housemate.

"He lives here," replied his housemate, laughing.



SCOTUS je medtem odločilo, da je približno polovica ozemlja Oklahome indijanski rezervat. Vendar zgolj v smislu sodne pristojnosti, ne ozemeljske.

The court's decision hinged on the question of whether the Creek reservation continued to exist after Oklahoma became a state.

"Today we are asked whether the land these treaties promised remains an Indian reservation for purposes of fed­eral criminal law. Because Congress has not said otherwise, we hold the government to its word," Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion.

The decision was 5-4, with Justices Gorsuch, Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer in the majority, while Justices John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented.

It's important to note that the case concerned jurisdiction, not land ownership.



uredilo bitje MihaKihot
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The Trump administration has denied a request by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) for $16 million in federal aid to help rebuild widespread damage in Minneapolis caused by rioters protesting the death of George Floyd.


Lahko bi Soros plačal :D

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Robert Doty, the victim's father told the Pundit the supporters of Black Lives Matter had walked by her and her fiancé and said "Black Lives Matter," to which Jessica responded that "All Lives Matter."

Weapons were pulled by both sides during their initial dispute.

"An argument started and guns came out, but they worked things out. Unfortunately, they didn't drop it and waited for them to walk back through and she was shot in the head," Robert Doty explained.


uredilo bitje Tom7i
  • Račka +1 1
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@Fulltacticalgear - pod sistemski rasizem je mišljeno stanje, ko se zbere cela klapa rasističnih posameznikov in sprejmejo rasistično zakonodajo. Tako so potem a) tudi ne-rasistični posamezniki prisiljeni v rasistična dejanja (izbira: rasistično dejanje ali kršenje zakona), s čemer se tudi do neke mere ponotranji rasizem (mišljenje: če smo demokratična država in je ukrep uzakonjen, potem po definiciji ne more biti rasističen) in b) predstavniki manjšine imajo na splošno slabša ekonomska izobrazbena zdravstvena itd izhodišča kot ostalo prebivalstvo.



edit: skratka, rasisična dejanja, ki presegajo dejanja posameznikov

uredilo bitje The Mothership
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Tom7i reče pred 11 urami:


Robert Doty, the victim's father told the Pundit the supporters of Black Lives Matter had walked by her and her fiancé and said "Black Lives Matter," to which Jessica responded that "All Lives Matter."

Weapons were pulled by both sides during their initial dispute.

"An argument started and guns came out, but they worked things out. Unfortunately, they didn't drop it and waited for them to walk back through and she was shot in the head," Robert Doty explained.



Ja, tole je bilo kar spregledano.


Pa niti ni važno katere barve so bili udeleženci, ampak to, da se vzpostavljajo nivoji sovraštva zaradi katerih so se ljudje pripravljeni streljati med sabo... 

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Policija - ok, v njej so rasistični posamezniki, ki se obnašajo rasistično. Vprašanje je potem, kaj se zgodi s temi rasističnimi posamezniki. Če policija kot ustanova ne zmore ustrezno kaznovat rasizma svojih zaposlenih je potem de facto tudi sama rasistična.


Sistemski rasizem - zadeva je kompleksnejša kot zakon, ki izrecno navaja barvo kože kot kritierij za karkoli. te dni je wikipedijina stran o tem preveč pod udarom, da bi jo lahko jemal za neoporečen vir informacij, imaš pa polno primerov takega prikritega rasizma po zda - porazdelitev sredstev, ki ga mesta namenjajo za določene soseske, okoljska zakonodaja, ki ni enaka za pretežno bela in pretežno črna naselja, krojenje volilnih okrajev, itd.


Reintegracija temnopoltih v ameriško družbo - tu imaš dve pesmi od gil scott herona



Poem here says, Comment #1
Uh, Comment #2 is dynamite
But Comment #1 is the one we decided
To use here this evening
Because it makes a comment if you listen
Closely on what is now being advertised
In East Harlem as the "Rainbow Conspiracy" - a combination of
The Students For A Democratic Society
The Black Panthers, and the Young Lords
And this is my particular comment about that conspiracy, "Comment #1":

The time is in the street you know
Us living as we do upside down
And the new word to have is revolution
People don't even want to hear the preacher spill or spiel
Because God's hole card has been thoroughly piqued
And America is now blood and tears instead of milk and honey
The youngsters who were programmed
To continue fucking up woke up one night
Digging Paul Revere and Nat Turner as the good guys. America stripped
For bed and we had not all yet closed our eyes. The signs of Truth
Were tattooed across our often-entered vagina
We learned to our amazement untold tale of scandal
Two long centuries buried in the musty vault
Hosed down daily with a gagging perfume
America was a bastard the illegitimate daughter
Of the mother country whose legs
Were then spread around the world
And a rapist known as freedom: free doom
Democracy, liberty, and justice were
Revolutionary code names that preceded
The bubbling bubbling bubbling bubbling
Bubbling in the mother country's crotch
And behold a baby girl was born
Nurtured by slave holders and whitey racists
It grew and grew and grew screwing
Indiscriminately like mother, like daughter
Everything unplagued by her madame mother
The present mocks us, good Black people
With keen memories set fire to the bastards
Who ask us in a whisper to melt and integrate
Young, very young, teeny
Bopping revolt on weekend young dig
By proxy what a mental ass kicking
They receive through institutionalized everything
And vomit up slogans to stay out of Vietnam
They seek to hide their relationship with the world's prostitute
Alienating themselves from everything
Except dirt and money with long hair, grime, and dope
To camo-hide the things that cannot be hidden
They become runaway children to walk the streets downtown with everyday
Black people sitting on the curb
Crying because we know that they will go back
Home with a clear conscience and a college degree
The irony of it all, of course
Is when a pale face SDS motherfucker dares
Look hurt when I tell him to go find his own revolution
He wonders why I tell him that America's revolution
Will not be the melting pot but the toilet bowl
He is fighting for legalized smoke, or lower voting age
Less lip from his generation gap and fucking in the street
Where is my parallel to that?
All I want is a good home and a wife and a children
And some food to feed them every night
Back goes pale face to basics
Does Little Orphan Annie have a natural?
Do Sluggo's kinks make him a refugee from Mandingo?
What does Webster's say about soul?
I say you silly trite motherfucker, your great grandfather
Tied a ball and chain to my balls
And bounced me through a cotton field
While I lived in an unflushable toilet bowl
And now you want me to help you overthrow what?
The only Truth that can be delivered to a four year
Revolutionary with a hole card i.e. skin is this:
Fuck up what you can in the name of
Piggy Wallace, Dickless Nixon, and Spiro Agnew
Leave brother Cleaver and Brother Malcolm alone please
After all is said and done build a new route to China if they'll have you

Who will survive in America?




Had a poem here somewhere called "Enough"
That I'd like to do
Because every once in a while
A brother gets shot somewhere for no reason
A brother gets his head kicked in, for no reason
And you wonder just exactly what in the hell is enough
And that's what this poem is about

It was not enough that we were bought en brought to this home of the slaves
Locked in the bowels of a floating shit-house
Watching those we loved eaten away by plague and insanity
Flesh falling like strips of bark from a termite-infested tree
Bones rotting, turning first to brittle ivory, then to resin
That was not enough

It was not enough that we were chained by leg-irons
Black on black in black with a pit stained wall
Forced to heed nature's call
Through and inside the tattered of rags that stringed our privates
And evidently, years of slavery did not appease your need to be superior to something
Like a crazed lion hung up on being the king of his corner of the cage
Backs bend under the weight of being everything and having nothing
Mines too, like boomerangs curving back into themselves
Kicked and carved by the face-straining smiles that saved my life
That was not enough

Somehow I cannot believe that it will be enough
For me to melt with you and integrate, without the thoughts of rape and murder
I cannot conceive of on peace on earth until I have given you a piece of lead or pipe
To end your worthless, motherfucking existence

Imagine your nightmares of my sneaking into a veiled or satin bedroom
And attacking your daughter, wife and mother, at once
Ripping open their bowels sexually like a wishbone
Imagine that and magnify it a million times
When you realize that the blinders have been stripped from my eyes
And I realize that slavery was no smiling, happy fizzies party

Your ancestors raped my foremothers and I will not forget
I will not forget at Yale or Harvard or Princeton or in Hell, because you are on my mind
I see you every time my woman walks down the street with her ass on her shoulders
I see you every time I look in the mirror
And think of the times I used to pat myself for not being too black after all
I think of you morning, noon and night
And I wonder just exactly what in hell is enough
Every time I see a rope or gun I remember
And to top it all off, you ain't through yet

Over 50 you have killed in Mississippi since 1963
That doesn't even begin to begin all of those you have maimed, hit and run over, blinded, poisoned, starved or castrated
I hope you do not think that a vote for John Kennedy took you off my shit list
Because in the street there will only be black and white
There will be no Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates or any of the rest of that shit you have used
To make me forget to hate
There ain't no enough, there ain't no surrender
There is only plot and plan, move and groove, kill
There is no promised land, there is only the promise
The promise is my vow that until we have been nerve-gassed, shot down and murdered or done some of the same ourselves
Look over your shoulder motherfucker, I am coming


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Os "zla, teme, nazadnjštva itd." se krepi. Kitajska-Iran pred podpisom trgovinskega in vojaškega sporazuma.


Iran and China have quietly drafted a sweeping economic and security partnership that would clear the way for billions of dollars of Chinese investments in energy and other sectors, undercutting the Trump administration’s efforts to isolate the Iranian government because of its nuclear and military ambitions.
The partnership, detailed in an 18-page proposed agreement obtained by The New York Times, would vastly expand Chinese presence in banking, telecommunications, ports, railways and dozens of other projects. In exchange, China would receive a regular — and, according to an Iranian official and an oil trader, heavily discounted — supply of Iranian oil over the next 25 years.


link je do NYC članka, ki je bil zaklenjen:


Dogaja se sicer natančno "najslabši scenarij za ZDA", kot ga je v začetku 90ih predvidel Brzezinski (politolog in diplomat, ki je delal tako v republikanskih, kot demokratskih vladah) v knjigi the grand chessboard:



Potentially, the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an "antihegemonic" coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances. It would be reminiscent in scale and scope of the challenge once posed by the Sino-Soviet bloc, though this time China would likely be the leader and Russia the follower. Averting this contingency, however remote it may be, will require a display of U.S. geostrategic skill on the western, eastern, and southern perimeters of Eurasia simultaneously.


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Fulltacticalgear reče pred 2 urama:

Kako to misliš? Prvi problem rasizma je da je podzavesten - recimo jst se nimam za nekega rasista ampak sem prepričan da bi se uprpio, če bi sred noči štirje nigri hodili proti meni. 

Sistemsko se tega problema ne da rešit. Ti maš lahko popoln sistem, ko se sred noči trije policaji srečajo s tremi nigri v baggy hlačah v suv-u in če bo model vn vleku džoint ga bodo ustrelili. Ne glede na vse kamere. Lahko pa jim daš tazerje v jopiče pa jih skoz en študent gleda pa taza če so preveč nasilni. 



To, da ti je nelagodno, je lahko posledica pomanjkanja samozavesti, to, da bi te bilo strah, je posledica strahopetnosti, to, da te je strah njihove barve kože je indikator nerazgledanosti in predsodkov - zaradi tega še nisi rasist.



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Rasizem v individualni obliki - da ti je neprijetno, ker gre nigger proti teb ni prav problematičen. Ene tolk, kot pošiljanje folka v pičko materno. Rasizem ni problematičen zaradi tega, ker bi se en belec enmu črncu zadrl "nigger smrdljiv", ker to nima vpliva na življenje nobene od oseb. Rasizem kot vsesplošen družbeni problem, kot del družbe, v kateri živimo, je pa druga zgodba. Pri tem razismu gre za neposredne prednosti in ugodnosti, ki jih uživa ena skupina ljudi na račun druge skupine (zastonj črnska delovna sila, za bogatenje sužnjelastnikov in ostalih svobodnjakov, ki sami niso sužnjelastniki). Ko folk govori o rasizmu, ne govori o tem, kako so eni ljudje nesramni, temveč o rasizmu kot institutu obstoječe družbe, na račun katerega se določena skupina te družbe redi.

Zgodovinski primer - ameriški sužnji so na določeni točki svetu zagotavljali 89 % vsega bombaža, s katerim so Američani obogateli. V 19. stoletju je v veljavo prav tako prišlo več "homestead" zakonov, po katerih so lahko ljudje zastonj dobili "državno" (= indijansko) zemljo. Na ta način je am. vlada razdelila skoraj 4 milijone km² zemlje. Ne od bombažne eksplozije, za katero so bili najbolj zaslužni, ne od zastonj delitve zemlje črnci niso imeli nič, medtem ko je za številne Američane ta zemlja še danes vir bogastva.




"Give me the free labor of one Black person for one year, I would be a rich man. Give me the free labor of a dozen Black people for one year, I would be a very rich man.
Give me the free labor of millions of Black people for 250 years, I would be America."




  • Račka +1 2
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True Neutral reče pred 2 urama:


Example of a current racist law?*

posledice tega zakona se še danes čutijo. Tako kot je imela zahodna Nemčija po drugi svetovni vojni Marshallov načrt vzhodna pa sovjetsko okupacijo, in je bilo potem ob združitvi potrebno - in je še vedno treba - vložiti veliko razvojnih sredstev, da bo vzhod prišel do točke, ko se reče, da imajo equality of opportunity.


Na prejšnjih straneh sem recimo o cancer townu pisal, to je precej sodobna zadeva.

Fulltacticalgear reče pred 3 urami:

Kako to misliš? Prvi problem rasizma je da je podzavesten - recimo jst se nimam za nekega rasista ampak sem prepričan da bi se uprpio, če bi sred noči štirje nigri hodili proti meni. 

Sistemsko se tega problema ne da rešit. Ti maš lahko popoln sistem, ko se sred noči trije policaji srečajo s tremi nigri v baggy hlačah v suv-u in če bo model vn vleku džoint ga bodo ustrelili. Ne glede na vse kamere. Lahko pa jim daš tazerje v jopiče pa jih skoz en študent gleda pa taza če so preveč nasilni. 


Sistemsko se problem reši tako, da se posameznike, ki se rasistično obnašajo, primerno obravnava.


Ni problem samo v tem, da policaji ustrelijo črnca, ker sred noči potegne joint, ampak predvsem v tem, da te policaji potem ne čutijo nobenih posledic svojega rasističnega dejanja. Eno je, da je policaj kot posameznik rasističen, drugo pa je, da se zaveda, da posledice, če ubije črnca, ne bodo enake, kot če bi ubil belca. O tem govorim, ko govorim o sistemskem rasizmu, in to je tudi (izvorno) sporočilo gibanja BLM. Ni problem samo v tem, da policaj ubije črnca, problem je v tem, da policaj ubije črnca in se potem nič ne zgodi - ni posledic v službi zaradi zlorabe pooblastil, ni kazenskega pregona, ni obsodbe za umor - kot če črnsko življenje ne bi toliko štelo kot belsko.

Povezava do prispevka
The Mothership reče pred 3 minutami:

Ni problem samo v tem, da policaj ubije črnca, problem je v tem, da policaj ubije črnca in se potem nič ne zgodi - ni posledic v službi zaradi zlorabe pooblastil, ni kazenskega pregona, ni obsodbe za umor - kot če črnsko življenje ne bi toliko štelo kot belsko.

A policaj,ki je ubil Floyda je bil oproščen brez posledic? Se to dogaja samo, ko policaji ubijejo črnca?

Povezava do prispevka
Fulltacticalgear reče pred 23 minutami:

Primer - črnc pride na razgovor za službo. Je najboljši kandidat ampak ne dobi službe, ker je kadrovica bledolična ženska 25 let in jo črnc prestraši. Nima nekih predsodkov, ni rasistična v smislu, da bi pljuvala po črncih ampak ta nelagodnost črnca stane službe.


To je pol totalen bulšit in bi blo treba dotično kadrovnico zamenjat s kakim bolj sposobnim oz. mentalno krepkim kadrom. Kako te lahko na razgovoru za službo nekdo prestraši zgolj s svojo podobo ali poreklom? Recimo da ima gradbeno podjetje Vegrad razpis za delavca na gradbišču in k njihovi 25-letni ženski tajnici pride na razgovor en mišičast temnejši južnjak iz Bosne. Ona se ga zaradi mišic in porekla ustraši oz. se ob njem počuti nelagodno, zato ga odslovi ter na delovno mesto delavca na gradbišču pol vzame nekega žgoljavega domačina, ki sicer nima nekih delovnih izkušenj iz gradbeništva, se pa tajnica ob njem počuti ugodno.


Pol pa jo šef vpraša, na kakšni podlagi je vzela enega žgoljavega domačega računalničarja namesto bosanske mrge in kmalu pristane še ona na cesti (vsaj pri meni bi, če bi bil njen šef).

uredilo bitje Tom7i
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Fulltacticalgear reče Pravkar:

A misliš, da se rasizem reši tako da se ga preprečuje njegove posledice? To kar predlagaš ne rešuje problema rasizma, temveč preprečuje njegove posledice. Tudi postavi pod vprašanje ali je v Ameriki problem rasizem ali so policisti nasilni (kar mislim da nikoli ni bilo zares dokazano), ker so pač lahko. 

ne morš prisilit ljudi, da se bodo imeli radi med seboj, lahko jih pa prisiliš, da se nehajo pobijat.


Če je sistem naštelan tako, da smejo bit policaji do črncev bolj nasilni kot do belcev, je to direkt sistemski rasizem. Za razliko od rasizma na nivoju posameznikov, lahko sistemski rasizem rešiš tako, da preprečiš posledice rasizma posameznikv.

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