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18 Jogurt

Več o članu Large_von_Rear

  • Butast stavek
    Za tako gosto meglo, da bi jo lahko rezal, leži ribnik Brbotalnik.

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  1. Large_von_Rear


    Mater je seksi. Popolna norost, ampak seksi
  2. Large_von_Rear


    killzo glih tega sem gledal, praviš da je kul? Odločam se med tem in g2x verzijo, ki je 144 HZ, je pa minimalno 100 EUR več.
  3. Btw: DLSS deluje tudi z ultrawide resolucijami al ne?
  4. Large_von_Rear


    Kaka so vaša priporočila za človeka, ki mu crkuje 1440p 60hz 27" monitor. Ostal bi na 1440p, igram pa večinoma dirkačine (Assetto Corsa, Forza Horizon 4) ter zadeve kot so Witcher 3, Assassins Creed serijo, GTA 5, RDR2, itd. Raznih shooterjev in MOBA iger igram takorekoč nič. Imam pa PC s 1080ti trenutno. Predvsem me zanima ali se mi splača gledat recimo 1440p 144 HZ monitor kot je tale: AOC CQ27G2U ali naj raje prišparam par evrov in pičim kaj takega: PX275h al kaj sličnega.
  5. Health outcomes in developed countries differ substantially for mothers and infants who formula feed compared with those who breastfeed. For infants, not being breastfed is associated with an increased incidence of infectious morbidity, as well as elevated risks of childhood obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, leukemia, and sudden infant death syndrome. For mothers, failure to breastfeed is associated with an increased incidence of premenopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer, retained gestational weight gain, type 2 diabetes, myocardial infarction, and the metabolic syndrome. Študija In "Is Breast Truly Best?" the researchers set out to remove the effects of confounders on the data. They used a very large study which followed about 12,000 children from all walks of life from birth until age 14. This study was particularly helpful not only because it was large, but also because it followed very diverse groups of families. Then, they focused on sibling data in situations where each child was fed differently and, the results were stunning. When they looked at "between-families", the data showed that breastfeeding was "associated with beneficial long-term child outcomes. This trend was evident for 10 out of the 11 outcomes examined here." These outcomes included differences in IQ. But when they flipped the statistical "sibling switch" on and accounted for all the confounders they reported that those associations disappeared and they were "forced to reconsider the notion that breastfeeding unequivocally results in improved childhood health and wellbeing." Članek Once we restrict analyses to siblings and incorporate within-family fixed effects, estimates of the association between breastfeeding and all but one indicator of child health and wellbeing dramatically decrease and fail to maintain statistical significance. Our results suggest that much of the beneficial long-term effects typically attributed to breastfeeding, per se, may primarily be due to selection pressures into infant feeding practices along key demographic characteristics such as race and socioeconomic status. Is Breast Truly Best? Na kratko: Študije na prvi pogled kažejo očitne pozitivne učinke dojenja nasproti formuli, a če pogledamo bliže, vidimo, da otroci, ki so bili uporabljeni v študijah, izvirajo iz različnih socialno ekonomskih okoliščin. Če to dejstvo upoštevamo in gledamo samo otroke iz iste družine, pri kateri je en otrok dobival materino mleko in drug otrok formulo se razlike v učinkih tako zmanjšajo, da so statistično praktično zanemarljive.
  6. Stasis to sem tebi dal out, da ti ne rabim dajat opozorila zaradi nekonstruktivnega kurcanja. Če se misliš vklapljat v debato to delaj tako da k njej kaj doprineseš, ne samo mešaš drek.
  7. A ma kdo kak strokoven članek al pa študijo na temo dojenja vs. formula, da se dejansko kaj naučimo in se ne samo začnemo pikat?
  8. NI kaj dost za rečti, southern gothic klasika,10/10 Še en Kazan/Brando joint, po občutku bolj aktualno in moderno kot bi kdo pričakoval, 8/10 Odlična atmosfera in performansi, režija mojstrsko skupnjuje napetost, ampak Repulsion mi je bolj dogajal - 8/10
  9. Gledljivo: 6,6 črnih gačic/10
  10. WinterThane obvezno sprobat BeatSaber, Pistol Whip, Space Pirate Trainer, Racket NX in Eleven Table Tennis!
  11. Še en Questač tukaj. Dodatki ki si jih lastim in priporočam: - GoQuestVR Halo strap v2 - VR Cover Facial Interface & Foam Replacement Basic Set for Oculus™ Quest - VR Cover for Oculus™ Quest Vse troje je malodane nujno iz vidika udobja in higijene. Pred tem sem si lastil Oculus Quest CV1 in HTC Vive in moram rečt da je Quest povsem nov svet. Občutek svobode zaradi brezžičnosti in enostavnost uporabe (daš na glavo in si noter) več kot presežeta minuse te naprave.
  12. Large_von_Rear


    Jaz mam tudi eno korona/sekret papir related limeriko: Po svetu korona razsajaWC papir se za jurja prodajavendar pa le se skromni bide končno spet uporabe navaja
  13. Large_von_Rear

    TV tema

    Konzole trenutne generacije nimajo kaj dosti od tega, next gen (PS5, XboX Series X) pa bodo verjetno koristile HFR (občasno) in VFR. Tudi servisi kot so Geforce Now, Stadia ter XCloud bi znali v bodoče ponujati HFR vsebino, bodisi neporesredno preko appa na TV-ju ali lahkega hardverskega odjemalca, kot so razni Android boxi. Koristi pa to tudi ljudem, ki imajo na TV priklopljen PC, seveda.
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