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[uradna] God Emperor Donald J. Trump


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hawa meyta reče pred 2 urama:

to jaz govorim že zadnjih nekaj let. če pustimo dejansko politiko ob strani, se tipu res čedalje bolj vidno blede. zdaj je pa defakto izgubil vso kontrolo nad svojo razsodnostjo.


nekaj je pumpat svojo volilno bazo in metat ven bombice, drugo pa je, če kar nekaj klanfaš v tri dni in delaš škodo vsem okrog sebe.


Sam veš, ok, to je tvoj pogled. In tvoj pogled je meni preveč sentimentalen.


Moj pogled je da dober voditelj države mora shitpostati in Janševe tvite smatram za pozitivno stvar. Zakaj bi predstavnik ljudstva moral biti robotizirano džubre, ki se drži politično korektnih smernic začrtanih iz strani fake news medijev, kot je RTV?

uredilo bitje sadhu sequencer
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hawa meyta reče pred 13 urami:

she ain't goin' anywhere...

Ja, glede na to kje kandidira je malo verjetno da bi republikanci v doglednem času flipnili njen stolček. Mora pa tudi ona redno na democratic primaries in kdo ve kdaj si ljudje zaželijo novega okusa :) Še nekaj časa verjetno ne, na zadnjih volitvah je dobila 70% ali nekaj podobnega.

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Brdavs reče pred 3 urami:

Ta tema naj se arhivira ker glede na bidnove prve picke znamo met čez 4/8 let drugi val trumpizma heh

Trump bo takrat v zaporu/grobu/vegetiral. Ostali republikanci pa mu ne pridejo do kolen, pej se bo stranka mal spremenila/prilagodila razmeram.

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SpaWn reče pred 2 urama:

Trump bo takrat v zaporu/grobu/vegetiral. Ostali republikanci pa mu ne pridejo do kolen, pej se bo stranka mal spremenila/prilagodila razmeram.

Trump je samo zajahal val, ki ima svoje razloge, ki kljub njegovemu slovesu ostajajo.


Če jih mislijo demokrati spet gladko ignorirat, se lahko spet najde nek populist.


Morda za razliko od donalda celo dovolj sposoben kaj svoje programske retorike dejansko tudi izpeljat.

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Sovica reče Dne, 16. 11. 2020 at 17:10:

Ne bo. Prvič bo prestar, drugič bojo drugačni časi in četudi bi, bo dobil like 10% or something


tretjič. imo je zda v interesu se znebit vseh konzervativnih in liberalnih "ekstremistov" tipa Trump, AOC, Bernie, Janša  pa se jit lepo umirjeno "sredino" ker je tko najlaži krast vsem pred očmi

če se ne motm so tudi slednjo (aoc) ne dolgo tega tkorekoč vrgl pod vlak demokrati sami

umirjena sredina je točno taka trumpogena politika, ki je prvi mandat omogočla. mal same old same old biznisa, pod katerim rust belt raste, mal diversityja, da se deplorabelse še dodatno razpizdi, mal bombic po svetu za us & them in nove reke beguncev, da se najde nova volja za zid zgradit.


če bo tump osebno prestar, lahko sina endorsa, npr.


drgač je pa bolj aoc vrgla demse pod vlak kot obratno, če že govorimo v teh terminih.

uredilo bitje The Mothership
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mnunchinov naslednik ne bo mogel uvesti istih ukrepov, ker ne bo imel večine v senatu


to se dogaja sicer na vseh področjih

uredilo bitje bainit
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  • 2 tedna kasneje...


Barru mal polzijo stvari iz rok



An alleged “bribery for pardon” scheme at the White House is under investigation by the justice department, according to a court filing unsealed on Tuesday.

The heavily redacted document does not name Donald Trump or other individuals and leaves many unanswered questions, but comes amid media reports that the US president is considering sweeping pardons before he leaves office next month.


It shows that the justice department investigation alleges that an individual offered “a substantial political contribution in exchange for a presidential pardon or reprieve of sentence”.


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hawa meyta reče Dne, 3. 12. 2020 at 0:59:

odprli so preiskavo proti Ivanki Trump zaradi nezakonite/napačne uporabe inavguracijskih sredstev, šlo naj bi za nekaj miljonov po prvih informacijah.


očka, očka, očka, pomilostitev, prosim. zdaj pridejo na vrsti še ostali kleni trumpisti.


to je ta drain the swamp. :rofl:

About that...



"The D.C. investigation is not a federal probe but rather led by the local attorney general's office and would not be covered by a presidential pardon, should any charges be brought."


Reuters pa pravi, da gre za civil lawsuit, torej za vračilo sredstev... potemtakem ta konkretna preiskava, kolikor razumem zaenkrat niti ne gre v smer, da bi kdo vlagal obtožnice... 



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kaj M00ch pravi o trumpu


He told the ABC the most powerful man in the world was an "orange fat blob" with the "self-esteem of a pigeon" and warned Australia it would be difficult to maintain its current close relationship with the White House.

He said the President's insistence Hurricane Dorian was heading for Alabama (despite the words of his own scientists) was proof of a frail ego.

"Again, it's his inability to ever be wrong about anything or ever to apologise for anything, It basically has to do with very low self-esteem," he said.


"And so he's very intimidated by the way the guy looks. And Justin Trudeau has been very, very smart at keeping his distance from President Trump.

"Remember, he's such a malignant narcissist that he needs the spotlight at all times."





uredilo bitje bainit
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President Donald Trump personally asked Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas if he would argue a long-shot election lawsuit seeking to overturrn the election results in four battleground states, should the Supreme Court agree to take it up, two sources told CNN on Wednesday.


Trump inquired on Tuesday whether Cruz would argue the case, which was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday night in an effort to block election results from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all of which were won by President-elect Joe Biden. Cruz agreed to do so, according to a spokesperson.
A source familiar with the conversation said Trump has asked Cruz to argue a number of these election challenges.



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Next-door neighbors of Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, Fla., that he has called his Winter White House, have a message for the outgoing commander in chief: We don’t want you to be our neighbor.


That message was formally delivered Tuesday morning in a demand letter delivered to the town of Palm Beach and also addressed to the U.S. Secret Service asserting that Trump lost his legal right to live at Mar-a-Lago because of an agreement he signed in the early 1990s when he converted the storied estate from his private residence to a private club. The legal maneuver could, at long last, force Palm Beach to publicly address whether Trump can make Mar-a-Lago his legal residence and home, as he has been expected to do, when he becomes an ex-president after the swearing-in of Joe Biden on Jan. 20.



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