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točno, sem pozabil, da so kitajci z milijardami v 70ih in 80ih financirale talibane e pardon mudžahedine


iranski vpliv, ko s par pfeningi podpre sunitske iračane je pa tudi vsekakor močnejši, kot savdske/ameriške milijarde in rakete za talibane



iranci podpirajo zatiranje sunitov v iraku, zato so talibani močni


got it




Povezava do prispevka
AdamSmit reče pred 21 urami:

talibani dobijo kar precej denarja od/iz pakistana in savdske arabije, ameriških zaveznic; američani podpirajo pakistan in predvsem savdsko arabijo vojaško, finančno, tehnološko itd.


Lahko postrežeš s kakšnim virom, da Savdska Arabija podpira Talibane in virom da je Pakistan ameriška zaveznica?


V nasprotnem primeru se tvoj post smatra za gnojni izbljuvek nesmislov.

uredilo bitje sadhu sequencer
Povezava do prispevka
Galko reče pred 15 urami:

hehehehe 9/10 ime za maskoto, bi jo dal kot obvezno na vseh NBA tekmah


pa za predsednika lige se da modela Mike "No Love" Migger in da se ga obvezno chanta 5 minut pred vsako tekmo


pa na vseh tekmah v Miamiju / LA-ju bi bilo cool imeti starodavno indijansko maskoto Wekbek 

a sedaj bo vsako ime, ki se konča na -ger, prepovedano, da boste sjw snežinke zadovoljne


in British English


US an informal word for home run

uredilo bitje maksi
Povezava do prispevka
sadhu sequencer reče pred 3 minutami:


Lahko postrežeš s kakšnim virom, da Savdska Arabija podpira Talibane in virom da je Pakistan ameriška zaveznica?


V nasprotnem primeru se tvoj post smatra za gnojni izbljuvek nesmislov.


Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally as part of the War on Terrorism, and a leading recipient of U.S. aid. Between 2002 and 2013, Pakistan received $26 billion in economic and military aid and sales of military equipment.



The (Saudi) Kingdom’s Afghan policy is complicated by the financial nexus between private persons and religious entities in the Persian Gulf and key actors of the current Afghan insurgency. Fundraisers for the Taliban and Haqqani Network are believed to extensively exploit networks and use old mechanisms dating back to the times of Saudi cooperation with mujahideen and Taliban functionaries. The fundraising of the Taliban and Haqqani network in the Persian Gulf (mainly in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait) is widely believed to be one of the main pillars (beside drug trafficking) of the organisations’ budgets. This is why one of the key propaganda instruments of the Taliban, the monthly online magazine al-Sumud (literally, steadfastness), is exclusively published in Arabic. Al-Sumud aims at attracting and appeasing wealthy donors in Arab countries.


Povezava do prispevka
AdamSmit reče pred 1 uro:

Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally as part of the War on Terrorism, and a leading recipient of U.S. aid. Between 2002 and 2013, Pakistan received $26 billion in economic and military aid and sales of military equipment.


Bom najprej razložil zakaj nisi postregel z nobenimi dokazi kar se tiče SA. Nalimal si nedokazljive trače, ki nimajo nikakršne osnove. Vprašal sem za vire, ki bi imeli realno osnovo. Torej si navsezadnje le trolal. Ok. Da ne bo pomote, čist kul se zdi, ko lahko upravičeno s prstom pokažeš na financerje terorizma brez da opletaš s teorijami zarote, saj stvari postanejo jasne s kom si lahko zaveznik in s kom ne.


Kar se tiče Pakistana pa si postregel s starimi, neverodostojnimi podatki. Sedaj smo 2021, lahko bi dostavil nekaj svežega, ampak razumem, da ne najdeš.


Lahko pa postrežem jaz z nečim uporabnim, kar nakazuje kako zadeve stojijo trenutno in v katero smer peljejo:



In August 2017, The Guardian reported that as part of a new US strategy in Afghanistan by the Trump administration, more pressure was to be put on Pakistan over alleged support for insurgent groups, with President Trump saying in a televised statement that "we can no longer be silent about Pakistan's safe havens for terrorist organisations, the Taliban and other groups that pose a threat to the region and beyond." The new strategy was supported by Afghan government officials, a spokesman for the Afghan president said that "this is the first time the US government is coming with a very clear-cut message to Pakistan to either stop what you're doing or face the negative consequences." Pakistani security officials rejected the statements, stating, "They are shifting blame to Pakistan" and "Pakistan itself is the victim of terrorism. We are fighting militants and have conducted many ground and aerial operations and destroyed their sanctuaries. We want to eradicate them physically and ideologically.". As part of a regional approach, Trump said he would encourage India to play more of a role (whom are already providing economic and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan), former officials and analysts have pointed out that the fear of a greater Indian presence in Afghanistan was the justification used by Pakistan's military and intelligence leaders to maintain backing for Afghan militants, as a buffer against Indian influence.'s_role_in_the_War_on_Terror

uredilo bitje sadhu sequencer
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hawa meyta reče pred 4 minutami:

Cuomo odstopa cez 14 dni. 


new standards in American politics. :panika:

Standardss? We ain't got no standards We don't need no standards. I don't have to have any stinkin' standards!"

uredilo bitje AdamSmit
Povezava do prispevka

when you have TWAT - the war against terrorism, but there is actually more terrorism at the end of the war than there was at the beginning



Talibani so zavzeli mesto Gazni in so 150 kilometrov oddaljeni od afganistanske prestolnice Kabul, ki bi lahko v njihove roke po ocenah ameriških obveščevalcev padel v roku treh mesecev.

Posebej presenetljivo je osvajanje ozemelj na severu države, ki ga nikoli niso povsem nadzorovali in je bil tudi v času njihove vladavine od leta 1996 do leta 2001 pod nadzorom protitalibanskih milic. Poznavalci menijo, da so talibani tokrat odločeni podrediti si sever in se šele nato usmeriti proti Kabulu.

tako, še tisti, ki so se prej upirali talibanom, so se po 20 letih okupacije odločili pridružiti jim :avadodo:

uredilo bitje AdamSmit
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also qanon is back in action



A Santa Barbara father suspected of killing his two children in Mexico told the FBI he was a QAnon adherent and had to kill them because they had been infected with serpent DNA and he was saving the world from monsters, according to a criminal complaint filed in Los Angeles federal court Wednesday.

uredilo bitje AdamSmit
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zmanjkuje nam wade



Climate change, drought and high demand are expected to force the first-ever mandatory cuts to a water supply that 40 million people across the American West depend on — the Colorado River. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s projection next week will spare cities and tribes but hit Arizona farmers hard.

Povezava do prispevka

Ja, vse je krivo CC. verjetno tudi za korono.




What is the problem with the Colorado River?

The Colorado River is severely threatened by human overuse, environmental issues, and poor river management technique. As an extremely over-apportioned water resource, the water quality of the river is jeopardized by agricultural overdraw, which increases the salinity of the river.



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