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‘A lot of abuse for little pay’: how US farming profits from exploitation and brutality

The worker began work daily at 3 or 4am and worked until 3 or 4pm with just one 15-minute lunch break, making just $225 for 15 days of work. They heard rumors that several workers had died. The worker claimed that Haitian immigrants were also brought into the same network.

After 20 days at the corn farm, the worker was sent to a cucumber warehouse where they weren’t paid anything for their work, and then transferred to Texas before escaping the operation and returning to Mexico in July.

The indictments characterized the operation as “modern-day slavery”, a longstanding problem in the US agricultural industry where workers were smuggled from Central American countries to the US and imprisoned as contracted farm workers.


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Oregon students would no longer have to prove they can do basic reading, writing and math to graduate under a new bill


A bill removing the requirement that Oregon students in the classes of 2022, 2023 and 2024 demonstrate basic proficiency in math, reading and writing to earn a high school diploma passed a key milestone Thursday and is likely to become law.

The bill, already approved by majority Democrats in the Senate, was greenlit by Democrats on the House Education Committee for a vote on the House floor as early as next week.

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Sovica reče Dne, 10. 11. 2021 at 17:11:



>1957 je zlobni (beli) model predvidel demografsko spremembo in visino avtobusa ki bo sel v proizvodnjo 40 let pozneje in znizal most, samo zato, da OTROCI ne bojo mogl na plazo




heh, ne, to je dejansko a thing


Robert Moses je promet v New Yorku namerno načrtoval tako, da je preprečeval dostop do določenih delov (t.j. plaž) z javnim prevozom, tudi z gradnjo nizkih nadvozov, pod katere se ne da zapeljat z avtobusom (ali pa avtodomom). Premožni ludje so imeli lastne avtomobile, nepremožni so se vozili z busi in to je bil kr eleganten način, da se izogneš sodrgi na elitnih rekreacijskih površinah. Očitat Mosesu rasizem je isto za lase povlečeno kot da bi mu očitali, da so mu bile jasne statistike gmotnega stanja in barve polti prebivalcev dotičnega mesta.


Mosesove dizajnerske prijeme so povzela tudi druga mesta in to je kr močn element v za avto zgrajeni ameriki.


Drugo vprašanje je, zakaj se niso prilagodil in zgradil potem nižjih avtobusov, ampak to je mogoče bolj stvar za avtotemo.

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Between 2000 and 2015, over 200,000 minors were legally married in the United States,[12] or roughly six children per thousand.[13] The vast majority of child marriages in the U.S. were between a minor girl and an adult man.[12][14][15] In many cases, minors in the U.S. may be married when they are under the age of sexual consent, which varies from 16 to 18 depending on the state.[16] In some states minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic violence shelters typically do not accept minors.[17][18]


Three 10-year-old girls and an 11-year-old boy were among the youngest to wed, under legal loopholes which allow minors to marry in certain circumstances.



There are only four states — Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey — that completely ban underage marriages. 

25 states have no minimum age requirement for marriage



The marriage bureau clerks had no authority to intervene even if they observed that the child did not want to get married, Pollard said. And in a case where a pregnancy was involved, there was no minimum age for marriage.


According to Unchained At Last, the youngest girls to marry in 2000-2010 were three Tennessee 10-year-old girls who married men aged 24, 25, and 31, r


Povezava do prispevka
Sovica reče Dne, 14. 1. 2022 at 11:40:

bald and based


Uau, carsko. Nisem si mislil, da je Trump supporter. Pač inteligenten človek, ni se za čudit. Neoliberalcu ni problem dokazat, da se da z lastno kreativnostjo in svobodo uspet v življenju, medtem ko naši lokalni komunistični avtisti vse kar premorejo je limanje slik raztelešencev na gnoju in hurr durr naj država da gratis burek.

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