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Kitajska - počasi se vrača v svojo zgodovinsko vlogo najbolj napredne države sveta


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p-please, lift them tariffs



There's a quick move President Joe Biden could make to immediately help relieve the stress the pandemic-related supply chain crisis is having on US companies: Lift the tariffs imposed by former President Donald Trump.

Trump put tariffs on roughly $350 billion of Chinese-made goods -- and despite the change in administrations, those duties remain in place. American importers have paid more than $106 billion to cover the cost of those levies to date, and many of them are now facing skyrocketing shipping costs.

While the Biden administration has been conducting a comprehensive review of the US-China trade policy, it has said little about restarting trade talks or lifting punitive duties.


Povezava do prispevka

Nooo, Kitajci počnejo isto, kot počnemo mi že 100 let



JPMorgan’s Deal With Alipay Will Put the PLA in Your Pocket

Chinese mobile payment apps are a national security threat—but Western financial firms are misguidedly rushing to embrace them.

Neeee, kako so lahko te storitve CENEJŠE od storitev naših domačih bank! CHINA!!


Once merchants get started on the apps, chances are they’ll love them because Alipay and WeChat Pay charge far lower merchant fees than credit card companies: 0.55 to 0.6 percent compared to credit card companies’ 1.5 to 3.5 percent


Courtesy of Apple, whose App Store now lists the data each app collects, we know Alipay collects information about, among other things, your health and fitness, location, contacts, user content, and search and browsing history. WeChat Pay collects similar data. Apps based in the West, too, collect far more data than they ought to.
In other words, if Beijing wants to gain a detailed picture of people in a particular country, it only needs to ask the Chinese companies whose services those people use. In recent months, Beijing has been showing who’s the boss in the tech sector, not only forcing Alibaba to split but also scolding other major firms.

Kitajska perverznost res ne pozna meja


China bought Volvo so they could learn to build the best cars with the best crash system,” Kewley said. “Now, Chinese cars come out on top. They know they have to have the best products, and that goes for apps as well.” And Western consumers use those products.

Povezava do prispevka

JPMorgan’s Deal With Alipay Will Put the PLA in Your Pocket

Chinese mobile payment apps are a national security threat—but Western financial firms are misguidedly rushing to embrace them.

zelo kapitalistično


China bought Volvo so they could learn to build the best cars with the best crash system

nice, mogočebo  celo kdo preživel


uredilo bitje Sovica
Povezava do prispevka

Launch in August of nuclear-capable rocket that circled the globe took US intelligence by surprise

The test has raised new questions about why the US often underestimated China’s military modernisation.

“We have no idea how they did this,” said a fourth person.

“Hypersonic glide vehicles . . . fly at lower trajectories and can manoeuvre in flight, which makes them hard to track and destroy,” said Fravel, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Fravel added that it would be “destabilising” if China fully developed and deployed such a weapon, but he cautioned that a test did not necessarily mean that Beijing would deploy the capability.



In August, General Glen VanHerck, head of North American Aerospace Defense Command, told a conference that China had “recently demonstrated very advanced hypersonic glide vehicle capabilities”. He warned that the Chinese capability would “provide significant challenges to my Norad capability to provide threat warning and attack assessment”.

Two of the people familiar with the Chinese test said the weapon could, in theory, fly over the South Pole. That would pose a big challenge for the US military because its missiles defence systems are focused on the northern polar route.

Povezava do prispevka

Hladnovojni arms control sistem gre vztrajno po gobe na račun ameriške averzije do ranljivosti in razvoja raketnih ščitov. "Destabilizing" so pa kao vsi ostali.


V bistvu gre za sovjetsko rešitev istega problema, ki sta jo strani v 70ih rešili z ABMT sporazumom od katerega je nato bush mlajši odstopil in nam zrihtal putinove nuklearne torpede pa cruise missle, zdaj pa še to.



Povezava do prispevka

Ni jih omejeval ker niso bili in še vedno niso baš nek faktor številčno gledano. Tudi sami niso imelo potrebe po grajenju dodatnih kapacitet - dokler se stric samo ni odločil da ne more tolerirat ranljivosti napram SK in Iranu.


Zdaj še Rusija z par tisoč konicami ima legit strah pred erozijo lastnege deterranta, ker ko enkrat tehnologija dozori američanom ni baš problem obrnit/dogradit radarjev še v smeri RF pa začet masovno proizvajat interceptorjev... kitajci so pa desetletja vztrajali na kao za uspešen povračilni udarec minimal potrebnih par sto konic. Za njih so tako ameriške zmožnosti prestrezanja potencirano bolj problematične. Sploh ker je vedno bolj govora o odkritem rivalstvu med njima, Ergo rastejo na hitro silosi v puščavah.


Iluziorno je pričakovat da bodo pristali na ameriške pobožne želje da se vključijo v tristrane pogovore med ZDA in RF in ostanejo na trenutnem nivoju ki je vedno bolj nezadosten, v kolikor ne bodo izposlovane spet omejitve ščitov. Kar je pa v ZDA politični no go. In smo tam kjer smo bili, arms race.

Povezava do prispevka
hordak reče Dne, 23. 10. 2021 at 14:29:

Ne, kar na Tajvan sem mislil. Zanimivo, da mighty chinese navy kar gleda tole.


Chinese Navy ni dovolj mighty, da se zoperstavi mornarici ZDA, zato je Peking prisiljen prenašati to poniževanje. Saj prav je tako. V roku 10 let kot kaže bo Kitajska malce bolj utihnila glede jokcanja o Tajvanu. Priznanje neodvisnosti pa bo Peking dal v roku 20 let.

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A scientific public policy system should be established to make the “cake” bigger and form a pattern of equitable distribution for all. Efforts should be intensified, and more practical measures should be taken to enable the masses to have a greater sense of gain. Meanwhile, we must recognize that the development level of our country still lags far behind that of developed countries. We plan by considering both needs and possibilities and improve people’s well-being based on economic development and financial sustainability. We should not aim too high and make promises that cannot be fulfilled. Instead of taking on everything, the government should focus on carrying out programs that are general, inclusive and guarantee basic needs. Even if we become more developed and financially stronger in the future, we should not set excessively high goals and provide excessive guarantees, in order not to fall into the trap of “welfarism” that encourages laziness.


further newzz



China removes domes, minarets from mosques, pushes 'sinicisation'

The 14th century mosque has undergone a complete renovation. It now resembles a Communist party office.

spreminjanje arhitekture mošej, da zgledajo kot party hq :avadodo:

uredilo bitje AdamSmit
Povezava do prispevka
AdamSmit reče Dne, 25. 10. 2021 at 21:16:


meni je pa to ogabno, pa naj to delajo demokrati, republikanci, kitajci, naciji al pa eskimi


jebene ISIS taktike, samo da daš ponjavo preden zminiraš


svinje odurne brezobrazne

Povezava do prispevka


Sovica reče pred 20 urami:


Sound Argument ki mu na zahodu nasprotujes, hkrati pa postas kot dobro stvar vzhoda







Galko reče pred 5 minutami:


meni je pa to ogabno, pa naj to delajo demokrati, republikanci, kitajci, naciji al pa eskimi


jebene ISIS taktike, samo da daš ponjavo preden zminiraš


svinje odurne brezobrazne

ZSSR so na mestu porušene gigantske katedrale postavili gigantsko kopališče. Mrbit bojo tud Kitajci not v teh prostorih naredile diskoteke, mladinske centre ali slično.


uredilo bitje AdamSmit
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