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[uradna] God Emperor Donald J. Trump


Priporočeni prispevki

Meni se zdi precej tragično, da volitve potekajo v duhu anti-Trump in anti-komunizem. Za 2016 sem rekel, da so zanič volitve, ampak Ameri očitno ne morejo nehat s presenečenji.


Je Biden vsaj malo razložil, kako bo prepričal EU partnerje, da naredijo diplomatski prtisk na LR Kitajsko in zakaj bi Kitajci sploh to resno jemali?


Do takrat Trumpolino veselo jaha antikomunistično mantro, dojemljivo za 5-letnika, ki igra zadnji Red Alert. To so najslabše volitve v zgodovini ne glede na rezultat.

Povezava do prispevka

eni pomocniki od Kamale fasal covid.


da vidmo, ce res prizadene tolk overweight women of colour


in other news, Twitter blokiral Trumpa, ker je postal Biden corruption, med drugim tudi vladne racune postajo, z izgovorom "harmful content"


cist v novodobnem "all you need to know" stilu clankov.


obeta se razcefut, tehnofasistov v silicon valley ce trump zmaga, Facebook in Twitter primarne tarce

uredilo bitje Adam
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Adam reče pred 32 minutami:

obeta se razcefut, tehnofasistov v silicon valley ce trump zmaga, Facebook in Twitter primarne tarce

Jaz ne bi bil tako prepričan, obstaja tudi možnost da se zaredijo v javni sektor in poskrbijo, da ne dobijo konkurence.

Povezava do prispevka
Bumbar s kanglico reče pred 51 minutami:

Ja privately owned company pa to,

Razn ko fejsbook ne bana takoj ne woke ldi. Pol je pa to problem


jaz ti pravim, da bodo dal liabel na vse kar se objavi na twitterju in potem jack in saudijci lahko zaprejo aplikacijo in adijo

Povezava do prispevka

Kdaj pa lahko pričakujemo članek naše "za javno RTV" javne televizije na to temo? :D Pa šokirana Stoparja in Žitnika, ki govorita, kako se v Ameriki širi fašizem in totalitarni prijem....oh wait :D


Pa itak besede CEO Twitterja so največji možni lol :D vir:



"Our communication around our actions on the @nypost article was not great. And blocking URL [website link] sharing via tweet or DM [direct message] with zero context as to why we're blocking: unacceptable," he tweeted. 





"Twitter has now explained that the article violated its private information policy, and its hacked material policy."


Ja, that's the story we're going with :D kot da v zadnjih letih ni bil twitter prostor masovne vojaške propagande v SIriji, al pa kaj js vem, wikileaksa, al pa nedavne zgodbe o Trumpovi davčnih obrazcih (le-te je sigurno nekdo pridobil na kristalno čist način). 



Povezava do prispevka

Razn ko fejsbook ne bana takoj ne woke ldi. Pol je pa to problem


reminds me


Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 584 U.S. ___ (2018), was a case in the Supreme Court of the United States that dealt with whether owners of public accommodations can refuse certain services based on the First Amendment claims of free speech and free exercise of religion, and therefore be granted an exemption from laws ensuring non-discrimination in public accommodations — in particular, by refusing to provide creative services, such as making a custom wedding cake for the marriage of a gay couple, on the basis of the owner's religious beliefs.


The case dealt with Masterpiece Cakeshop, a bakery in Lakewood, Colorado, which refused to provide a wedding cake to a gay couple based on the owner's religious beliefs. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission, evaluating the case under the state's anti-discrimination law, the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, found that the bakery had discriminated against the couple and issued specific orders for the bakery. Following appeals within the state that affirmed the Commission's decision, the bakery took the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.


In a 7–2 decision, the Court ruled on narrow grounds that the Commission did not employ religious neutrality, violating Masterpiece owner Jack Phillips' rights to free exercise, and reversed the Commission's decision. The Court did not rule on the broader intersection of anti-discrimination laws, free exercise of religion, and freedom of speech, due to the complications of the Commission's lack of religious neutrality.




Subsequent events

Masterpiece Cakeshop became involved in a similar case in 2018, stemming from an incident in June 2017. The bakery refused to bake Autumn Scardina, a Colorado lawyer, a cake to celebrate her gender transition, which would have had a pink interior and blue exterior. Phillips stated later that he refused to bake such a cake based on his Christian beliefs that a person does not get to choose their gender. Scardina complained to the Colorado Division of Civil Rights, which found in June 2018 sufficient evidence that the bakery discriminated against her transgender status, and ordered the parties into compulsory mediation. Phillips subsequently filed a lawsuit against the state in August 2018 to seek a permanent injunction to prevent the state from enforcing its anti-discrimination laws against him as well as punitive damages. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, who is named as a defendant in the suit, expects that the case will require the Supreme Court to revisit its decision from Masterpiece, as the previous ruling "did not address the basic issue" of religious freedom.[50][51][52] A federal judge refused to dismiss Phillip's suit in January 2019, though did agree to remove Hickenlooper from the suit due to him no longer being governor.[53]


In March 2019, the suit and countersuit between Phillips and the state were dropped, with the state believing that while the core issue on the intersection of discrimination against sexual orientation or gender identity and religious beliefs of service business remains in question, the specific case around Scardina was not the proper vehicle to answer those questions. The agreement allowed Scardina, should she want, to pursue her own civil action against Masterpiece.[54] In June 2019, Scardina, represented by attorneys Paula Greisen and John McHugh, brought civil suit against Phillips in federal district court on the perceived discrimination. Greisen stated they felt the state did not represent Scardina's case well, thus taking action directly.[55] Scardina brought a second lawsuit against Phillips in April 2020, waiting past the appeal deadline to file in a different court, for more than $100,000 in damages, fines, and attorney's fees.[56]



uredilo bitje Sovica
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are you the big man Joe?

the big man takes 10%, i think you are the big man.

maybe not.





biden je glihkar oznacil abrahama lincona za najbolj rasisticnega predsednika v zgodovini ZDA


hahaha tipu je pocu film

uredilo bitje Adam
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Enterprise reče pred 5 urami:

JJ kralj


zahodni svet ne smemo dopustit da smagajo slabici tipa sleepy joe, to bi moralo biti jasno in this day and age

Hahaha Trump Imperator, Kitajska je na kolenih, ZDA so na višku moči, ekonomija blesti, država je enotna in močna, zavezniki jih ljubijo, rivali jih spoštujejo. Na južni meji že dve leti stoji zid, ki uspešno preprečuje ilegalne prehode, plačala ga je Mehika. Sirija je že obnovljena.


Le kaj bomo brez god emperor orange mana.

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