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Kako poteka bildanje vojaških sil v okupirani državi:



I was there when there were over a dozen different police training camps throughout the country, and they would have different training cycles for different groups of police. And then I would contact those training facilities and be like, OK, how many police were expected to have graduated this month? How many actually completed training and how many recruits showed up? 

And what was funny about that whole system was these training camps were not operated by the US military. They are operated by contractors like MPRI or DynCorp. And those contractors were being hired through the US State Department, even though the DoD was paying for them. But it was the State Department that was hiring them. And then what made it even more ridiculous was the nature of these contracts made it so that the number — the training figure, the number of police that made it through training this month — that number was proprietary to the contractor. So they owned that number — they didn't actually even have to give that to us. I’m a Captain in the Air Force working for the Command, calling and asking, “How many police did you guys train this month?” And they didn’t have to actually tell me that.


And I had a Marine Corps major that was part of the Command section that would come in and he’d say, “Hey, we were supposed to cycle through 300 police recruits this month. This says only 150 got through. It’s supposed to be 300.” I’m like, OK, well, it wasn’t 300, it was 150. “Well, can you massage this report so that it says 300?” Basically, can you lie on this report so that it says 300.


A big scapegoat was the fact that, when I was there, I think something like 92% of the population was illiterate. [Note from MT: this estimate relates to the Afghan security forces… the overall illiteracy rate was likely not quite that high.]

There was a big push — or at least there were people that were pushing — to implement a literacy program for the Afghan police training, 
because they would get Humvees and they can’t even read the manual on how to maintain these things. So they would break all the time.... and then those would just be written off as a loss.


I wasn’t going down and surveilling where a damaged Humvee went, but we’d send a convoy of Humvees down to Lashkar Gah, and only two of them made it there intact. And then nobody would follow up on what happened to the rest of them. And so I’ll say I was speculating that, you know, these are winding up in somebody else’s hands where they’re not supposed to be.



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In čez noč




izginil je iz dnevnih novic


ups, lažem, bbc se še nekaj trudi:



Taliban officials have broken up a demonstration by dozens of women in Kabul demanding rights following the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan.

The group say the Taliban targeted them with tear gas and pepper spray as they tried to walk from a bridge to the presidential palace.



uredilo bitje AdamSmit
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  • 2 tedna kasneje...

(recimo, da to paše sem)


heh, kako nepričakovano. :rofl:



Prosecution witness in Netanyahu’s corruption trial killed as his plane crashes in Greece


Former senior Israeli official Haim Geron has been killed in a plane crash near the Greek island of Samos. Geron was among the witnesses in the ongoing corruption trial of ex-PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

The light plane, carrying Geron and his wife Esther, crashed into the sea close to the Samos airport late on Monday. The former official, who used to serve as the deputy director-general for engineering and licensing at the Israeli Communications Ministry, and his wife, both 69, were the only occupants on the aircraft.


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v ZDA prišlo ven, da un top general k ga skrbi white rage in trans inclusivnes in the military, ki je obenem tudi zavozil umik iz Afganistana, je za casa Trumpa, za hrbtom predsednika ZDA kontaktiral s kitajskim obrambnim ministrom in mu zatrjeval da ZDA ne bodo napadle kitajske.



haha dobesedno definicija izdajalca.


v oceh democrats seveda saviour




P.S. jap v ZDA se je zgodil drzavni udar, sam ne s strani tistih, ki pravijo mediji

uredilo bitje MikeHunt
  • Račka +1 1
  • Za crknit smešno +1 1
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Kaj zdaj je že nuclear armageddon spolitiziran


trump temper tantrum, coked up kennedy, al pa pijani putin, a ni vseeno... če bi katerikoli politični voditelj jederske sile htel brez razloga opalit nukico na drugo je najmanj kar se od kakega generali pričakuje to da ne bo slepo sledil ker nurnberga mk 2.0 pol ne bo 

Povezava do prispevka
Brdavs reče pred 37 minutami:

 če bi katerikoli politični voditelj jederske sile htel brez razloga opalit nukico na drugo je najmanj kar se od kakega generali pričakuje to da ne bo slepo sledil ker nurnberga mk 2.0 pol ne bo 

no, takih situacij je bilo že kar nekaj (ko so nekomu preprečili izstrelitve)



After the 1969 EC-121 shootdown incident, F-4 Phantom fighter jets at Kunsan Air Base were ordered to load B61 nuclear bombs and began planning and preparations for a nuclear strike against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).[22] After a few hours, the order to stand down was given. The jet never took off. Reportedly, President Richard Nixon was drunk when he gave the order for a nuclear attack against the DPRK.[23] The order to stand down was given on the advice of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.


Several weeks after the downing of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 over Soviet airspace, a satellite early-warning system near Moscow reported the launch of one American Minuteman ICBM. Soon after, it reported that five missiles had been launched. Convinced that a real American offensive would involve many more missiles, Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov of the Air Defense Forces refused to acknowledge the threat as legitimate and continued to convince his superiors that it was a false alarm until this could be confirmed by ground radar.[


On the morning of November 9, 1979, technicians at the site received an urgent alert that the Soviets had launched a barrage of missiles at North America. Convinced a nuclear attack was imminent, the U.S. air defense program scrambled 10 interceptor fighter planes, ordered the president’s “doomsday plane” to take off, and warned launch control to prepare its missiles for a retaliatory attack.

The panic soon subsided after NORAD consulted its satellite data and realized the nuclear warning was little more than a false alarm. Upon further inspection, they discovered that a technician had accidentally run a training program simulating a Soviet attack on the United States.


Povezava do prispevka

kje v teh primerih, 


joint chief calls soviet union to confirm no attack is comming and promises to give a heads up if they are going to attack?



to da en radar operater zavlacuje, ker noce v nejasni situaciji sprozit tretje svetovne vojne je mal drugace kot, ce še vojske prevzame uzde civilne kontrole vojske 




ampak Trump bad, tko da je ravnal pravilno



Povezava do prispevka
MikeHunt reče pred 18 urami:



v ZDA prišlo ven, da un top general k ga skrbi white rage in trans inclusivnes in the military, ki je obenem tudi zavozil umik iz Afganistana, je za casa Trumpa, za hrbtom predsednika ZDA kontaktiral s kitajskim obrambnim ministrom in mu zatrjeval da ZDA ne bodo napadle kitajske.



haha dobesedno definicija izdajalca.


v oceh democrats seveda saviour




P.S. jap v ZDA se je zgodil drzavni udar, sam ne s strani tistih, ki pravijo mediji

"p-pls forget afganistan, O-orange man bad"






uredilo bitje Sovica
Povezava do prispevka
MikeHunt reče pred 5 urami:

joint chief calls soviet union to confirm no attack is comming and promises to give a heads up if they are going to attack? sej veš, da se backchannelli uporabljajo praktično dnevno in na najvišji ravni že desetletja in desetletja?


ZDA - Iran

ZDA - Severna Koreja

Severna Koreja - Južna Koreja




meni je popolnoma logično, da se je top military brass v ZDA totalno usral ob McDonaldovih popadkih.

Povezava do prispevka

Zanimivi premiki down under


Onkraj francoskega short term saltinessa ker so jih izrinili iz posla, zna to prispevat temu, da kontinalni evropejci ne skočimo slepo v ring s kitajsko za ameriško prevlado na pacifiku... in pokazatelj da američani s tem verjetno niti ne računajo in da se kanijo tudi za ceno odnosov naslonit na anglosfero, ki je brez pomošljanja z njimi skočila tudi v afganistan in irak.





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