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  1. Danes
  2. seattle

    NBA tema

    Super tekma Ny:Ind Hah Nembhart
  3. Včeraj
  4. Jebo mast da neb dal za to grdosijo 800 flik...
  5. Telekom imam, je pa v stanovanju še t2 optika, v bloku pa še a1 in še od nekoga jo bodo napeljali. Ja, opticni kabel gre direktno v modem, pa zdi se mi da je še tale sfp umes (ne bom ob 2h zjutraj preverjal).
  6. ok, tole je bad, samo vseeno se ne moreš obnašat kot idiot in napadat ljudi... At the age of 12, Joost lost his father to cancer. A year later, in 2011, his mother died of a cardiac arrest. Following the deaths of his parents, Klein was looked after by his older brother and sister. At the end of Europapa, an upbeat track in line with the Eurovison's camp and silly remit, Joost sends a message to his late parents. His dad was one of Joost’s biggest inspirations and told Eurovision news blog, Wiwi: “My dad is one of my biggest inspirations and my dad taught me to open my mind. He told me not to look at labels. People are people.”
  7. operaterjeva sklata je v bridge nacinu samo modem, ostale funkcije v tem primeru prevzame naprava po lastni zelji.
  8. Saj že v prvi sekundi njegovega nastopa sem videl, da ni ravno najbolj brihten. res no, WTF je to?
  9. ronaldinho

    Naša mala greznica #9

    Posledica teh sončevih neviht severni sij v večjih predelih Murice in tudi UK The Northern Lights will be visible on Friday and Saturday as far south as Liverpool in the UK, while also reaching more than a dozen US states. Depending on the intensity of the solar activity, there is a small chance that sightings will be possible throughout the UK. In North America, the aurora borealis will cover all of Canada and stretch to several US states, including North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.
  10. ronaldinho

    Naša mala greznica #9

    Če koga zanima A Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm is highly likely to occur, possibly as early as later today and continuing through the weekend, according to the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). The exact timing of the storm remains somewhat uncertain, but at least seven earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are currently in transit to Earth. Rare occurrence in solar cycle Since the beginning of the current solar cycle in 2019, only three Severe (G4) geomagnetic storms have occurred. The most recent was a brief event on March 23, 2024. This is the first G4 Watch issued by the SWPC since 2005, highlighting the rarity of such events. The last Extreme (G5) event took place during the Halloween Storms in 2003. The sun goes through 11-year cycles of activity, alternating between active and dormant. We are currently smack-dab in the middle of an "active phase", hence, why we see several sunspots on the surface of the sun. One of these spots has caught the attention of scientists in recent days. Sunspot AR3664 is absolutely enormous, measuring about the size of 16 Earth's in diameter! In the last few days, six coronal mass ejections (explosions of solar material, plasma) have burst from this sunspot sending billions of tons of coronal material whizzing through space at more than a million miles per hour. Because this sunspot is currently facing earthward, some of this CME is set to pass through our atmosphere. Since the Sun is 93 million miles away, it takes a few days for the CMEs to reach Earth. Well, that time has arrived and the geomagnetic storm has begun. Thankfully we do not believe that any of the geomagnetic activity will be intense enough to cause any major electrical grid problems on the Earth's surface. This has happened as recently as back in 1989, when a very powerful flare caused a 9 hour blackout in the province of Quebec. Back in 2003, we had flares intense enough to cause some damage to orbiting satellites and space shuttles. As of now, it is believed that there has not been a big enough ejection from AR3664 to cause any major communication issues.
  11. Shadow

    Sports American Way

    Finci pa zgubili prot cehov po SO 1-0
  12. Nič uradnega zaenkrat, se je pa obnašal zelo "tolerantno" na konferenci. Govorice so, da naj bi fizično napadel fotografa (?) izraelske delegacije. Prav stereotip moralne vzvišenosti.
  13. narodno

    NBA tema

    To sem gledal precej na glas busu, pa je bil malo awkard moment.
  14. drevored


    danes zjuraj sem ga dal iz kabla in mam zdaj 86% screen time 1 ura priblizno (tbh ne vem ce dober podatek gledam na fonu). drgac fon uporabljam full tko da prizgem, pogledam chat, crypto, etc in ugasnem. al pa ce forum precekiram na hitro ce je kaj novega. nimam nekih daljsih seans na fonu. en dan sem sel z motorjem okrog in sem trackal cel dan gps (10-12ur) in se neki cajta sem spotify zraven poslusal pa sem mel se vedno blizu 30% baterije ko sem prisel domov. pac tezko je to ocenit, ker vsak clovk uporabla fon drugace. meni se zdi baterija okej, ampak po specifikacijah baje ni najboljsa. tko da ce si power user bols da kupis boljse specse.
  15. ronaldinho

    Naša mala greznica #9

    Como promoviran v Serie A. Cesc je pomočnik trenerja tam. No, vsaj uradno, ker še nima UEFA licence, drugače je on boss.
  16. ronaldinho

    Primera Division

    haha, sem čakal, če bo kdo mesarja Pepeja omenil
  17. wuzi

    Primera Division

    kvaliteten CB, malo star je že edino pa s xavijem ne vem če se bo razumel.
  18. ChAiN

    Vojna tretjega sveta

    zdej k streljajo bele moške z otroki na sprehodi v čelo in posiljujejo tako moške kot ženske je še vse kul čakam kaj bo, ko bojo zacel pedrom in transičem kurce rezat
  19. ChAiN

    Vojna tretjega sveta

    kao opressed so že predolgo. napada na olimpijskih in dogodkov pred j. arafatom se marsikdo ne spomni vec, univerzitetni profesorji so svoj kompleks žrtve prenesli na levo, freedom for all, delat čimmanj, vajeno feštat zadeto mularijo, k zacne s Chejem in Titom na majci, zdej nosi pa palestinske šale.
  20. itak je uniparty (kot v ZDA) ko se odloča kam pluje zahodna civilizacija
  21. ChAiN

    Cestna golazen

    Pogbog sem pa zaspal k je bil 3 km pred drugim vmesnim cajtom pa na Eurosportu so na polno razlagal, da ma navaden bicikl prštiman če bo kot edini menju pred klancem. Pogtrol? lolol
  22. Kaj pa je razlika med bridge mide in.. alternativo?
  23. dilar

    Cestna golazen

    Mislm, una etapa je bla itak katastrofa, Stelvio so dal na začetk etape, sam pač, zadnja leta skoz kenslajo tele Queen stage-e.
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