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The Canadian government is facing pressure to declare a national day of mourning after the bodies of 215 children were found in British Columbia on the grounds of a school for Indigenous children who were forcibly separated from their families by the government. The bodies were discovered at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, which opened in 1890 and closed in the late 1970s.

“These children are just some of the children who died in the schools,” says Cindy Blackstock, executive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada. “There are many others in unmarked graves across the country.”



The government’s own commission says thousands of children likely died of abuse or neglect in these schools, the legacy now is one of intergenerational trauma for many of Canada’s indigenous communities.



One of the more appalling acts by the Catholic church in Tk’emlúps was how the children were deliberately forgotten; they were omitted from the official records that would verify their passing.



"Survivors talked about children who suddenly went missing. Some talked about children who went missing into mass burial sites," said TRC chair Murray Sinclair in a statement on Wednesday.

Other survivors spoke of infants fathered by priests at the school, taken from their mothers at birth and thrown into furnaces, he said.

uredilo bitje AdamSmit
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Cherniernier reče pred 1 uro:

Ameriški predsednik Joe Biden je izdal izvršni ukaz za zamrznitev premoženja in prepoved vstopa v ZDA vsem tistim, ki prispevajo k destabilizaciji položaja na Zahodnem Balkanu.


Kdo v praksi npr.?

Janša se že trese, da mu ne dokažejo avtorstva non-paperja.

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The 55 large corporations that paid $0 in federal corporate income taxes in 2020 spent $450 million lobbying and political contributions in recent years, according to a new Public Citizen report, The Price of Zero.


For most of the companies, paying nothing was not enough. The companies paying zero also received $3.5 billion in tax rebates, money they can turn around and spend to influence tax policy.


“Duke Energy could use the $280 million rebate from the federal government to fund its lobbying spending for the next half-century,” said Mike Tanglis, a Public Citizen research director and author of the report. “Using Uncle Sam’s money to lobby against paying taxes is the perfect embodiment of how Washington works.”


Among the findings of the report:

  • The 55 corporations that paid no federal corporate income tax in 2020 spent nearly $450 million on lobbying and campaign contributions since the 2016 election cycle. This total includes $408 million in lobbying and $42 million in campaign contributions.
  • Of the top 25 recipients of money from the corporations that paid zero in taxes in Congress, 20 are Republicans. Each of these recipients voted for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which lowered the corporate tax rate.
  • FedEx spent the most of any company ($71 million) followed by Charter Communications ($64 million), American Electric Power ($42 million), Duke Energy ($37 million), and Textron ($22 million).
  • These companies together have sent an average of 526 lobbyists to influence the federal government each year.
  • Many of the 55 companies also received huge rebates from the federal government in 2020. Four of the top 10 political spenders in 2020 could use their leftover rebate money to cover political spending costs for at least the next half-century.

“As Congress looks to pair incredibly important investments in jobs and families with tax changes to raise revenues, it is essential that, as part of that work, it addresses the loopholes that have allowed companies to pay nothing in federal corporate tax,” said Susan Harley, managing director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division. “In the meantime, it’s critical that the public understand that while paying nothing to support the upkeep of our government, these companies have been spending huge amounts of money to try to keep the game rigged in their favor.”


uredilo bitje hawa meyta
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Bazičen Bezos uveljavil $4000 otroškega dodatka, sej ubožec nima prebite pare za vzdrževanje svojih otrok.


DOJ pa takoj v luft in mrzlično išče žvižgača, ki je leaknil seznam milijarderjev, ki ne plačujejo davkov in po možnosti še dobivajo socialno pomoč


Eat the rich

uredilo bitje BumbleBee
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Damijan nadaljuje na to temo...



ProPublica je pred dnevi objavila prvo analizo podatkov iz davčnih napovedi 25 najbogatejših Američanov. Analiza kaže predvsem na to, da mit, da premožni plačujejo najvišje davke, niti slučajno ne drži. Velja seveda nasprotno, premožni plačujejo relativno nizke davke. V povprečju po stopnji 3.4%. Warren Buffet je v letih 2014-2018 plačal le 0.1% davka glede na porast premoženja, Jeff Bezos 1%, Elon Musk pa “visokih” 3.4%.


No, resnici na ljubo pri ProPublici malce mešajo jabolka in hruške ter davčne stopnje (napačno) izračunavajo glede na povečanje premoženja, ne pa na dejanske prihodke. Davek od dohodka se seveda plačuje glede na dohodke (plače, dividende itd.) in na kapitalske dobičke, slednji pa nastanejo seveda šele ob prodaji premoženja. To, da je Jeff Bezos med 2006 in 2018 povečal svoje premoženje za 127 milijard dolarjev, seveda ne pomeni, da je toliko tudi zaslužil. Kljub temu pa analiza kaže, da najbogatejši plačujejo zelo nizke davke tudi na izkazane dohodke, saj jim davčni sistem legalno omogoča, da znižajo davčno osnovo ali jo naredijo celo negativno (z upoštevanjem olajšav in kapitalskih izgub v posameznih letih). Denimo, Jeff Bezos je med 2006 in 2018 uradno prikazal za 6.5 milijard $ dohodkov, plačal pa le za 1.4 milijarde $ davka na te dohodke (stopnja 21.5%). Seveda zato, ker je uspel v posameznih letih prikazati zelo nizke dohodke ali celo izgube – leta 2011 je prikazal negativne dohodke zaradi izgub iz investicij ter dobil povrnjenih 4,000 dolarjev zaradi otroških olajšav.


Ameriški davčni sistem je pač narejen po meri premožnih. Velika večina prebivalstva, spodnjih 90% po dohodkih, prejema samo dohodke od dela, na katere plačujejo davke po veljavnih davčnih stopnjah. Premožnejši pa seveda uveljavljajo različne legalne luknje ali davčno ureditev, narejeno prav za premožne (denimo upoštevanje kapitalskih izgub za nazaj. Trumpu je denimo zaradi prikazane velike izgube uspelo naslednjih deset let plačevati nič davka na dohodke). Premožnješi pač z razlogom financirajo kampanje tako republikancev kot demokratov, da so jim naredili natanko tak davčni sistem in da ga seveda ne bi spremenili.


Pri nas se to seveda malce težje zgodi, saj naš davčni sistem pri osebnih davkih ne omogoča prenašanja izgub iz kapitalskih naložb iz preteklih let. Desničarji pač niso bili prav pogosto na oblasti, pa tudi premožnih, ki bi financirali kampanje posameznih strank, nimamo prav veliko.


uredilo bitje hawa meyta
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Nevada group proposes forcing teachers to wear body cameras to ensure they don't teach critical race theory

Brendan Morrow, Staff Writer
Fri, June 11, 2021, 2:06 PM·2 min read

A group in Nevada is reportedly pushing for teachers to start wearing body cameras in classrooms to make sure they aren't "pushing politics."


A new report in The Associated Press describes a "debate over a proposal to expand the K-5 curriculum to include more teaching about equity, diversity and racism" in Nevada's Washoe County. The AP reports that while the Washoe County School District has said that "critical race theory" isn't a part of the curriculum, opponents argue that the "plans incorporate tenets of" it, and a similar debate has been unfolding in Carson City. As law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw explained to CNN, critical race theory is an "approach to grappling with a history of white supremacy that rejects the belief that what's in the past is in the past, and that the laws and systems that grow from that past are detached from it."


Amid this debate over the curriculum expansion, the AP reports that the Nevada Family Alliance has put forward a proposal to make sure teachers aren't "indoctrinating" students: outfitting them with body cameras.


"You guys have a serious problem with activist teachers pushing politics in the classroom, and there's no place for it, especially for our fifth graders," the group's executive director, Karen England, reportedly said.


England further claimed that body cameras would be the "best way to urge teachers to stick to traditional teaching," per Newsweek.


Opponents of the Washoe County School District curriculum proposal, according to the AP, camped outside of a board meeting on Wednesday, carrying signs reading "no CRT" and "CRT teachers racism," while those who support the additions also demonstrated. Superintendent Kristen McNeill recommended that a task force be convened to review the curriculum, according to the report, and that task force was approved on Wednesday. Read more at The Associated Press.



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učeri mass shooting v Austin Texas (ena točka od kjer hočejo pronunerji (s tem mislim ljudje z ocitnimi mentalnimi motnjami) obrnit Texas ).


oh no White supremacy strikes again, must ban AR-15, Republican killers support this



queue the music



Liberal newspaper wont public description of black man suspected of mass shooting because of stereotypes



LP iz motenih držav amerike

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amnesia reče Dne, 9. 6. 2021 at 16:11:



Na tega modela sem naletel par mesecev nazaj in si na dušek ogledal večino njegove muzike na YT.


V srednji sem bil velik ventilator Eminema in ta tipček mi zdaj daje isti vajb. Prav vesel sem, da so tam še osebki, ki jih ni strah povedat stvari, kot so.

uredilo bitje Tom7i
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