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[PS5] PlayStation 5

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No zdej gre pa zares 4.6.2020 22:00



Join us on Thursday, June 4, at 1:00 pm Pacific Time.

Jim RyanPresident & CEO, Sony Interactive Entertainment

With each generation, from the first PlayStation to PlayStation 4, we aim higher and we push the boundaries further, to try and deliver better experiences for our community. This has been the mission of the PlayStation brand for more than 25 years. A mission I have been a part of nearly since the beginning.  


There are few things as exciting as the launch of a new console. While this road to launch has been a bit…different, we are as thrilled as ever to bring you with us on this journey to redefine the future of videogames.


We’ve shared technical specifications and shown you the new DualSense wireless controller. But what is a launch without games? 


That’s why I’m excited to share that we will soon give you a first look at the games you’ll be playing after PlayStation 5 launches this holiday. The games coming to PS5 represent the best in the industry from innovative studios that span the globe. Studios, both larger and smaller, those newer and those more established, all have been hard at work developing games that will showcase the potential of the hardware. 


This digital showcase will run for a bit more than an hour and, for the first time, we will all be together virtually experiencing the excitement together. A lack of physical events has given us an amazing opportunity to think differently and bring you on this journey with us, and hopefully, closer than ever before. This is part of our series of PS5 updates and, rest assured, after next week’s showcase, we will still have much to share with you. 


Please join us on Twitch or YouTube on June 4 at 1pm PDT / 9pm BST / 10pm CEST to see what’s in store for the next generation of games. I hope we can make you proud. 

uredilo bitje Gatsu
Povezava do prispevka
Gatsu reče pred 20 minutami:

No zdej gre pa zares 4.6.2020 22:00



Jim RyanPresident & CEO, Sony Interactive Entertainment

With each generation, from the first PlayStation to PlayStation 4, we aim higher and we push the boundaries further, to try and deliver better experiences for our community. This has been the mission of the PlayStation brand for more than 25 years. A mission I have been a part of nearly since the beginning.  


There are few things as exciting as the launch of a new console. While this road to launch has been a bit…different, we are as thrilled as ever to bring you with us on this journey to redefine the future of videogames.


We’ve shared technical specifications and shown you the new DualSense wireless controller. But what is a launch without games? 


That’s why I’m excited to share that we will soon give you a first look at the games you’ll be playing after PlayStation 5 launches this holiday. The games coming to PS5 represent the best in the industry from innovative studios that span the globe. Studios, both larger and smaller, those newer and those more established, all have been hard at work developing games that will showcase the potential of the hardware. 


This digital showcase will run for a bit more than an hour and, for the first time, we will all be together virtually experiencing the excitement together. A lack of physical events has given us an amazing opportunity to think differently and bring you on this journey with us, and hopefully, closer than ever before. This is part of our series of PS5 updates and, rest assured, after next week’s showcase, we will still have much to share with you. 


Please join us on Twitch or YouTube on June 4 at 1pm PDT / 9pm BST / 10pm CEST to see what’s in store for the next generation of games. I hope we can make you proud. 


A se tole še komu zdi, da se bere kot: "Igre bodo, konzole/cene pa še ne bomo pokazal" :D

Povezava do prispevka
KE RIT reče pred 7 minutami:

Ma tebi se tudi phishing email scami zdijo legit. :D

Verjemi, da ne. Vsaj 30 let sem na računalnikih in verjemi, da sem spoznal že vse možno in nemožno okoli takšnih in drugačnih mahinacij. Sicer pa vem, da si se samo pošalil, tako kot tudi jaz.  ;)

uredilo bitje DaCapo
Povezava do prispevka
Sovica reče pred 5 minutami:

Sam ce bi bla playka sestcto bo bil xbox ocemcto kar pomeni da bi ti igral samo se f2p


Ne zeli si


MS je napovedal, da ima finance, da se gre money vojno z Sonyijem, tako da zagotovo bodo izenačili ceno. Seveda pa boš pri njih  dobil za enako ceno 50% močnejšo konzolo.

Povezava do prispevka
DaCapo reče pred 18 minutami:

Pa je kdo tukaj že dejansko prednaročil PS5? ;)
Vprašam, ker sem danes slučajno naletel na tole:




ps5 INFO prednarocila


model za 600€ prodaja prednarocila za informacije o ps5


car, ni kej

Povezava do prispevka
amnesia reče pred 2 minutama:



car, ni kej

realno gledano

tko kot model z usb 5g blockerji

če koga nategni si je že zaslužil ta denar :D

Mefisto reče pred 5 minutami:


MS je napovedal, da ima finance, da se gre money vojno z Sonyijem, tako da zagotovo bodo izenačili ceno. Seveda pa boš pri njih  dobil za enako ceno 50% močnejšo konzolo.

eh če  greš v vojno daš nižjo ceno sam da še bolj boli

take them everything

ne pa neko enačevanje

Povezava do prispevka

Jaz prisežem, da bom v kratkem malo "zatežil" (kar preko telefona, ker se mi ne da ukvarjati s suhoparnimi emaili) in povprašal glede tega info prednaročila PS5. Pač, radoveden sem... 


če mi bo uspelo, bom pogovor posnel in potem recimo tudi objavil, razen če s tem kršim kakšen zakon. ? 


uredilo bitje DaCapo
Povezava do prispevka
DaCapo reče pred 15 minutami:

Jaz prisežem, da bom v kratkem malo "zatežil" (kar preko telefona, ker se mi ne da ukvarjati s suhoparnimi emaili) in povprašal glede tega info prednaročila PS5. Pač, radoveden sem... 

  Razkrij skrite vsebine

če mi bo uspelo, bom pogovor posnel in potem recimo tudi objavil, razen če s tem kršim kakšen zakon. ? 


Ampak zakaj bi to delal, a v lajfu nimas kej bolj zanimivega za pocet kot klicat enega cudnega poslovneza glede prednarocila za konzolo?

Povezava do prispevka
DaCapo reče pred 1 uro:

@Arey hm, lol, to mi vzame, ca. 5 do 10 minut. V celem lajfu! Plus to, da sem pač radoveden. Jaz ne vidim nekega problema. 


Eh DaCapo ne poslušat  Areya. Njega zgleda ne zanima, verjemi pa da velika večina nas čaka kaj ti bodo povedali. Jaz sem danes tudi mislil, da bi se pozanimal, ampak prek maila. Ampak najbolj zanesljivo bo, ko pokličeš. Vsem nam boš pomagal, ker to ziher večino tu zanima. Arey te heca samo.

Povezava do prispevka

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