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Trenutno igram [1/2022]


Priporočeni prispevki

Vseeno bi še en general advice... 


Imam torej Saw Cleaver na +3


Imam Hunter Pistol in Flamesprayer v levi roki. Je wooden shield uporaben za kaj? 


No v glavnem me zanima kam se mi najbolj splača vlagat, ker itak ni nikoli dovolj Blood Echoes :)


Sedaj imam:

Vitality 15

Endurance 15

Strength 17

Skill 14

Bloodtinge 7

Arcane 8 (to sem dal 2 gor, da lahko equipam Flamesprayer) 


Bloodtinge še nič nisem diral. 

Povezava do prispevka

Wooden shield je dosti brezvezno orožje. Ne moreš parryjat z njim, mogoče je koristen za koga, ki te proba snajpat z daljave, ampak lahko pa tudi stopiš korak v levo oziroma desno namesto tega :D 


Levelaš vitality >> strength / skill > endurance > ostalo


Ostalo lahko pustiš na miru do konca igrice, oziroma za arcane se ne spomnim točno, če boš še rabil kaj, amapk pomoje je dovolj


V bistvu tudi endurance imaš še dovolj (15) za end game, lahko eventualno tudi pustiš tako do konca 


Tako da jaz bi vlagal v vitality pa vsake tolko piko v strength / skill, to je pa to, ostali statsi so OK za do konca igrice 



Povezava do prispevka

Wooden shield je joke :D

Treba prebrat opis


Za statse ti pa predlagam da dej vit in end na 20 ostalo pa po želji/orozju


Malo potestiraj orožja, kaj ti leži in ko dobiš eno ki ti je všeč pogledaš s katerimi statsi najboljše scale-a (S, A, B, C,...) ter tja vlagas - mislim da je kekit že ti to napisal :)


Edit: Hernier me prehitu

uredilo bitje Me3do
Povezava do prispevka
tomazek reče pred 4 urami:

Zanimivo mi je kako sem od par ljudi tukaj prebral, da niso uporabljali pištole... Ne vem, meni je to ena glavnih zadev. Vedno (razen čist običnih mobov) sovraga ustrelim ob napadu, da ga dol fukne... pol pa ga zaštiham. Brez tega bi mi bilo precej težje.

Jaz sem tudi bolj malo uporabljal parry. Res je ful odvisno od tega kak playstyle imaš. Sam ja, če ti leži, ti samo streljal čim več. Visceral attacks ftw.

Drugače pa legenda, da si se res lotil. Upam, da te bo igra naredila proper fana, da boš še kak drug naslov probal. Car, res. :)

  • Račka +1 1
Povezava do prispevka
Gatsu reče pred 4 minutami:

V Bloodtinge sploh ne daješ pik če ne uporabljaš določenih DPS pištol ter Katane. Najprej 20 v int in end oz pač glede na osebne preference potlej pa str/skill odvisno pač od orožja do 50.

Tole. Ne si preveč nabildat Vitality, da ti ne bojo pol vsi bossi walk in teh park (čreprav je res samosvoj užitek, ko se to zgodi :D).

Fukni tja do 20 in boš dober do endgamea. STR ti bo najbolj zvišal damage Saw Cleaverja, takoj za njim pa SKILL.

Povezava do prispevka
ke_kit reče pred 16 minutami:

Drugače pa legenda, da si se res lotil. Upam, da te bo igra naredila proper fana, da boš še kak drug naslov probal. Car, res. :)


Če mi nek boss totalno ne zamori igre in popizdim zraven, ter se prebijem do konca... Potem imam namen iti vsaj še DS3 in pa potem Elden Ring (verjetno obratno, ker ne bo časa za DS3 vmes) . Ob priliki tudi Demon Souls remastered. 


Starejše pa mislim, da ne... 

uredilo bitje tomazek
Povezava do prispevka

Vceraj sem startal z Deamon Souls na PS3, pol pa preberem to temo pa vidim, da se je kr nekaj folka vrglo v From Software igracke. interesting.jpg... Dolgo sem se izogibal teh spilov, bogve kak dolgo sem mel to na polici, pihno prah dol iz PS3 pa idemoooo... 

Povezava do prispevka
tomazek reče pred 12 minutami:


Če mi nek boss totalno ne zamori igre in popizdim zraven, ter se prebijem do konca... Potem imam namen iti vsaj še DS3 in pa potem Elden Ring (verjetno obratno, ker ne bo časa za DS3 vmes) . Ob priliki tudi Demon Souls remastered. 


Starejše pa mislim, da ne... 


V vanilla špilu ti me bo noben (obvezen) boss preveč zamoril lajfa. Niso neki ful težki, ti pa tudi očitno kar pravilno igraš, glede na to kok hitr napreduješ. 


DLC je pa druga zgodba, tam so pa mesarsko overpowered bossi... je pa res tam nekaj noro zabavnih orožij, tko da ti ful FUL priporočam, da greš vsaj malo laufat po DLC začetni coni :D v DLC greš lahko ko premagaš bossa v katedrali, čeprav ti že zdaj povem, da te bodo pohodili ko ščurka.

Povezava do prispevka
magični kralj reče pred 8 minutami:

jaz sem drugac probal igrat dank souls idk ker, mnde 3


pridem do nekega introduction bossa ki bi ti verjetno naj pokazal kako se tipkovnica drzi


ma nek 15 minuten windup za napad


stisnem knof za DODGE


pa moj rahiticen stricek rabi se dodatnih 23 minut da se skotali


desni klik manage uninstall lol.exe

Ma ja, to je Dark Souls 3, ker prejšnja dva imata v tutorial coni bosse, kjer je namenjeno, da ti umreš in se potem spawnaš drugje


V trojki pa moraš bossa na začetku dejansko ubit 


Also git gud

Povezava do prispevka

lepo, a ti je pustil kako darilce? :)


drgač kar se zgodbe tiče, zaenkrat si klele:



Bloodborne takes place in Yharnam, a decrepit Gothic city known for its medical advances around the practice of blood ministration.[37] Over the years, many travellers journey to the city seeking the remedy to cure their afflictions; the player's character journeys to Yharnam seeking the cure, something known as Paleblood, for an unspecified illness.[37] However, upon arriving in the city, it is discovered that Yharnam is plagued with an endemic illness that has transformed most of its citizens into bestial creatures. The player must navigate the streets of Yharnam during the night of The Hunt and overcome its violently deranged inhabitants and horrifying monsters to stop the source of the plague and escape the Nightmare.



The player character, a Hunter, sees that an old man is operating on them. The man explains that he is performing a blood transfusion to allow the player to sign a "contract", and mentions a mysterious condition referred to as Paleblood.[37] He warns the Hunter that they will go on a strange journey that may seem like a bad dream. The screen goes dark, then returns to the operating table as a large, flesh-torn beast rises from the floor and extends a claw towards the immobile Hunter. Suddenly fire appears and forces the beast's retreat; little creatures ("Messengers") begin to crawl over the Hunter, and the screen then cuts to black. After the player completes character creation, the Hunter awakens on an operating table in a different clinic in Yharnam. Shortly after their arrival, the player finds their first lantern, which, when lit, transports them to a spectral realm called the Hunter's Dream.[8] The player encounters two non-player characters: Gehrman, an elderly man who uses a wheelchair, provides advice, and the Doll, a life-sized living doll that assists the player in leveling up. Gehrman informs the player that to obtain the blood they seek and escape the dream, they must hunt down the beasts plaguing Yharnam and halt the source of the plague. While travelling through Central Yharnam, the second area, another non-player character tells the Hunter to seek out the Healing Church because of their connection to blood ministration, which is linked to the plague.[41] The player encounters a hunter named Father Gascoigne, who seeks to kill the player to prevent them from transforming into a beast, but transforms into a monster himself midway through the fight. The Hunter moves through to the Cathedral Ward and enters the Grand Cathedral and encounters REDACTED


Malo razlage okrog lora

•PART 1:
•The player character comes to Yharnam because they is sick
•The sickness the player character suffers from is a blood sickness called hypochromic Anemia
•Hypochromic Anemia is paleness of blood; “Paleblood”, which can be treated with Blood transfusions
•The Starting Classes are all indicative of ‘Lifestyles’ that can lead to or cause Hypochromic Anemia
•In game “Paleblood” is a metaphor for ‘a sickness that is cured by absorbing/imbibing blood’
•Moon Presence is sometimes referred to as “Paleblood” as she is also seeking to ‘cure’ itself by absorbing blood (this has synergy with the player character ‘healing with Blood’ & ‘leveling up with blood’), and she is also the active agent provoking the ‘blood sickness’ in Yharnam.
•The opening cinematic shows our hunter, due to our strong will, resisting the descent into beasthood, making us a special candidate for the MP. The messengers (slaves of the Moon Presence) arrive & tie us to the Hunter's Dream - We become the surrogate child of the MP.
•The Contract we sign at the start is with the healing church only; in exchange for the 'Yharnam Blood' we will hunt beasts to "cleanse these foul streets".
•PART 2:
•Bloodborne shares a lot in common with the narrative of Dark souls with its themes of Light/Dark, Life/Death, and Un-death, or reviving of the dead as a perversion of the natural order.
•Blood carries Echoes which are a person’s ‘life force’ & ’Will’ (may as well call them Souls)
•All ‘life/souls’ & ‘Power’ in the Abyssal Cosmos comes From Oedon
•Oedon is a traditional representation of the Abrahamic, Monotheistic God- formless, all powerful, creator of all life.
•When a person or entity dies its Echoes/Souls naturally pass onto the next plane
•Planes are stacked in Bloodborne (like the world of Dark Souls). You can go to a higher/nicer plane, or to a lower/worse plane
•The ‘Highest’ plane would be echoes returning to the Abyssal cosmos which is like life returning back to Oedon. From there Oedon can create more life - this is the natural order.
•Because Blood carries ‘Echoes/Souls’, life can arise from Blood in this universe (“We are born of the blood” - see cold blood flowers, Tomb-mold, & Vermin as examples)
•Life-force/Souls are represented by light in these games (the thread of light) which is why beasts explode in a shower of blood & light.
•Vermin is the life that arise from blood that has stagnated i.e. Blood where the Echoes/Souls have been unnaturally retained as opposed to moving on to the next life, instead ‘Corrupt’ life is created out of the stagnating/Old Blood
•Stagnating/Corrupt Blood can be Poisonous (Slow & Rapid) which steals ‘life’ from others
•This is why Cainhurst nobles are referred to as ‘VileBloods’ by the healing church, they are perverting the ‘natural order’ by using the Old blood to make themselves immortal and drain the life-force of others (traditional vampires), making them Undead
•Gaining the ‘strength of un-death’ (power) from the Old Blood / the blood of others causes the wills of men to fail, turning them into beasts. Beasts wildly attack people to consume their strength/life force.
•The Beasts are undead, this is why enemies re-spawn when you rest at lanterns, why coffins need to be chained shut, and why hunters progressed to using Saw Weapons to cut up the corpses to prevent re-animation
•“Runes” (meaning to Speak & to Cut) are representations of ways in which you can gain strength/ascend - They represent a character's Desires
•They only take effect when you prove your will/desire to change is strong enough; by cutting the symbol into yourself, and enduring the pain, the effect is carried by your blood echoes, changing your nature.
•The ‘faded’ to ‘bright’ representation of the different strength rune variations shows how much a person desires the change/ascension.

  • Račka +1 3
Povezava do prispevka
tomazek reče pred 2 minutama:


Neki Powder Keg Hunter Badge. So ti badgi uporabni za kaj?


Več stvari lahko kupiš v hunters dream.



Galko reče Pravkar:

Daj badge enim od unih gnusnih duhcev v Sanjski hiši, kjer level-upaš.

Ni to DKS3 ;)

uredilo bitje Gatsu
Povezava do prispevka

Še prevod za Tomazka


Igralec pride v Yharnam, ki spominja na Haloze jutro po trgatvi. Ker je zmačkan, bolan in ima fix informacijo, da šmarnica ne reši njegove bolezni, mora najti alternativo. Spozna par folka na vozičkih pa v podobi lutke, ki mu povedo, da rabi nabrat čimveč krvi aka zdravilnega eliksirja, ki spominja na kvinto, da se ojača in ga ne bo zjebala Yharnamska verzija kuge. Poleg tega mora raziskat source bolezni, da uniči signale, ubiit bill gates-like characterja in se rešiti iz te nočne more (klin se s klinom zbija)


Upam, da sem pomagal 

  • Na jagodo +1 1
  • Za crknit smešno +1 5
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